Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/450

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486 [9* S. IV. Dec. 9, "99. NOTES AND QUERIES. meaning. It is obvious that the word is of obscure origin, but I hope I have thrown some light on the question which has per- plexed your correspondent. D. F. Hannigan. I have four editions of Brand's ' Popular Antiquities'(the latest being that of Cnatto & Windus, 1877), and in each of them 'Fetch Lights' duly appears in the index, either under the letter F or in 0 among omens. The derivation of " fetch " Brand does not discuss, but for details of the ap- pearance of fetch-lights or dead men's candles he refers the reader to the'Athenian Oracle,' vol. i. pp. 76, 77, and vol. iii. p. 150 ; also to Aubrey's ' Miscellanies,'p. 176, and Baxter's ' World of Spirits,' pp. 131-7. RlCHABD WeLFOED. [When the origin of a word is dismissed as obscure by Dr. Murray and his collaborators, it seems hope- less for us to conjecture. Mr. Bradley, in whose hands the words are, traces no connexion between fetish and fetch.] Irish Soldiebs at the Battle of the Boyne (9th S. iv. 341).—'A.Jacobite Narrative of the War in Ireland, 1688-1691, with Con- temporary Letters and Papers, now for the First Time Published,' edited by Dr. Gilbert (Dublin, 1892), should prove of interest to your correspondent. The work contains the French official list of the Jacobite army in Ireland, 1689, which in itself covers forty quarto pages, in addition to a large amount of other interesting matter. F. L. Mawdesley. Delwood Croft, York. The Delavals (9th S. iv. 417).—The brothers Delaval, about whom Me. Pitman wishes information, were of the Delaval family of Seaton - Delaval, Northumberland. Gapt. Robert Delaval was the third son of Gapt. Francis Blake Delaval, K.N. Mr. Pitman's account of the death of Gapt. Robert differs from the family history. The Newcastle- upon-Tyne newspapers for 1758 report that "Gapt. Robert Delaval sailed from the Tyne with a number of recruits he had enlisted for the Honourable East India Company." And according to the statement oi his sister, Lady Mexhorough, he lost his life at the capture of Quebec, 1759. Gapt. Henry Delaval was captain in the 73rd Regiment from 1757 to 1762, and was the fifth son. According to Lady Mexhorough he was killed in battle in the East Indies. There is a portrait of him by Sir Joshua Reynolds at Ford Castle, which at that time was owned by the Delavals. The history of the last generation of the Delaval family is very fragmentary, notwithstanding that they filled an important position in the affairs of the nation during most of the eighteenth century. Their private life was conspicuous for its patriotism, adventure, and romance. The gay Sir Francis Blake Delaval, K.B., was the elder brother, Lord Delaval the third, and Edward Hussey Delaval, well known in scientific and philosophic societies in Europe, the eighth son. There were five sisters, yet there were no male heirs to the family, and the vast estates went to the descendants of the eldest daughter, Lady Astley, now represented by Lord Hast- ings. The latest and most authentic account of the Delavals will be found in the ' History of the Manor and Township of Doddington,' by the Rev. R. E. G. Cole, rector. Doddington was in the possession of the family upwards of one hundred years, when it passed by will to the present owner's family, Mr. Jarvis, J.P. John Robinson. Delaval House, Broxbourne Terrace, Sunderland. Weather - loee : Foeecasting, ifec. (9th S. iv. 437).—The date of Admiral Fitzroy's letter to the Times is 11 September, 1860. H. N. Ellacombe. Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth (9th S. iv. 329, 388, 443).-In reply to the inquiry of H. K. H., permit me to repeat that my edition of Beatson's ' Political Index' is the third, published in three volumes in 1806, and to add that the supplement appears in the first volume, following the table of con- tents, and is separately paged from i to xvi, and that the list of the clerks of the Board of Green Cloth appears on p. i of the supplement, as follows :— " Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth. " Sir Thomas Hales, Bart. " Sir Francis Henry Drake, Bart. "Hon. John Grey. "Humphrey Morriue, Esq. " 17(51. Thomas Townshend, Esq., vice Sir Thomas Hales, and John Evelyn, Est]., vice Humphrey Mortice, March 21. Henry (now Sir) Bridgmau, Esq., and Simon Fanshaw, Esq., additional clerks, Nov. 25. " 1762. Hon. Henry Frederick Thynne, vice T. Townshend, Dec. " 1764. Richard Vernon, Esq., vice H. Bridgmau, April. "1765. Sir Alexander Gilmour, Bart, vice Hon. H. T. [F. ?TThynne, and George Bridges Brudenell, Esq., vice R. Vernon, July 20. " 1760. Richard Hopkins, Esq., vice J. Evelyn, December t. " 17(i8. Richard Vernon, Esq., vice S. Fanshaw, April 19. " 1770. Hon. Richard Savage Nassau, vice Sir T. [F. ?| H. Drake. Dec. 19. " 1777. Sir Ralph I'ayne, K.B., vice Hon. J. Grey,