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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9ths.iV.DEC.23,-w. New Bditlon, price Two Shillings. todate " — Guardian. EDWARD STAKFORD. 18 and 27, Cockspur Straet. Chafing CrOM.B.W. Second Edition, price 44. RIEF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY. '" "' BT W. T. LYNN, B.A- F.R.A.8. "Conrerl » great deal ol information without Ming in any way dry or technical."— Kmlali Hircurt 0. STONEMAN, 89, Warwick Lane, B.C. B w. °- CEARCHES, TRANSCRIPTS, 4c., undertaken O at Public Kecord Office. BrttUh Museum, and elsewhere. In Town or the FrOYinees.— N. J. HOME, The Limes, Ellerton Koad, Surblton. PULLETON'S HERALDIC OFFICE, J 95, PICCADILLY, London, W. (formerly 25, Cranbonrn Street). GENEALOGICAL RESEARCHES. Heraldry: English and Foreign. Genealogical Obarta Bngroased. Sketches and Paintings of Arm* and Cresu. Engraving Department • Book-plates, drill, Din, LlTery Buttons, Crested Stationery, visiting Cards, Ac. SPKCIMKNS FREE. BEN NET T ' S POEMS. The GOLDEM LIBRABY.-Square Umo. cloth, 2«. CONTRIBUTIONS to a BALLAD HISTORY of ENGLAND. jura*... —" These ballsds ire spirited and itlrnnf i such •« The Wfl o?Sraid Bartrsda™' Old Hf nboV' • Mamon Moor.' and • Corporal leaTeTstroai impression on the memorj of those who read them. The GOLDEN LIBRARY.—Square lomo. cloth, 'It. SONGS for SAILORS. CHATTO * WIKDUB, 110 and 111, St. MarUn's Lane, W.C. NOTES AND QUERIES. GENERAL INDEXES. THE FOLLOWING ABE STILL IN STOCK:— £. ». d. GENERAL INDEX, FOURTH SERIES ...330 GENERAL INDEX, SIXTH SERIES ...060 The BRITISH and AMERICAN HERALDIC OFFICE (Chambers) Profesilonally undertakes all RBCOBD UK- 8BAKCHES (British, Colonial, and Foreign). Including thoioGENKALOOlCAL and HERALDIC. rl.lil(ilii;)-> traced and proredforFamilyHlstory and in support of claims to Title, Bswe, Armorial Bearings. Ac.; Heraldic I'ainUoirs and Dealffns, lllumtnated Addresses ; Sheriffs' Banners i Book* plates, Ac. Circular Pamphlet post free. 22, SOUTH MOLTON STREET, LONDON, W. BOOKS.—ALL ODT-OF-PRINT BOOKS sup- plied, no matter on what Subject. Acknowledged the world OTer as the most expert booknndera exunc. Pleue state wants.—BAKBK S Oreat Bookshop, 14-16, John Bright Street, Birmingham. THE AUTHOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER -PAD. (The LBADBNHALL PRE3S, Ltd., Publishers and Prlnt«rB, 60, Leadenhall uireet, London, B.C. ) Contain* hairless paper, OTer which the pen slips with perfect freedom. Sixpence each. :>». per dosett, ruled or plain. New Pocket Size 81 per doson, ruled or plain. Auihore should note that The Leadenhall Presi, Ltd., caanoi M responsible for the loss of USB, by Are or otherwise. Duplicate copies should be retained. STICKPHAST PASTE is HEAPS better than Gum for sticking In Scraps, Joining Papers, &c Orf. and 1 • with strong useful Itrush (not a Toy). Bend two stamps to coier pottage Factory, Sugar Loaf Coart, . Stickphast Paste sticks . for a (sample Bottle, Including Brush. Lcadenhail Street, B.O. 01 all stationer fierenth Bditlon, price Sixpence, cloth, REMARKABLE COMETS : a Brief Survey of the molt interesting Fact, in the History of Cometary Aitroaoasy. By V. T. LYNN. B.A. F.H.A.B. EDWARD STAMFORD. Hand 27, Cocklpur Street . Charing Cross. B.W. GENERAL INDEX, SEVENTH SERIES ...060 GENERAL INDEX, EIGHTH SERIES ...080 For Copies by post an additional Three- pence is charged. JOHN C, FBANCIS, Notes and Queriei Office, 11, Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, B.C. Fourth Edition, fcap. BTO. cloth, price 6a. nEMARKABLE ECLIPSES: a Sketch of the XA> most Interesting Circumstances connected with the Observation of Solar and Lunar Bclipses, both In Ancient and liodern Times. By W. T. LYNN, B A. F.R.A.B. London i B. STANFORD, M and 17, Cockspur Street, Ohartng Croat, B W. ALLEN'S SOLID LEATHER PORTMAN- TEAUS and FIITBD SUIT CASES. ALLEN'S DRESSING BAGS, in CKOCO- DILB and MOROCCO LEATHER, from KITS Onineai upwardi. ALLEN'S PORTABLE CAMP and BAR- BACK FURNITURE for Officer* joining. Bitabllibed 1799. By Appointment to H.H.II. the Prince of Walef. J. W. ALLBN, 37, Strand, London. WM. & GEO. LAW. COFFEE—SUGAR—TEA. 104, NEW OXFORD STREET, W.C.