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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9th S. IV. Dec. 23, '99. THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. THE LAST VOLUME BUT TWO. On DECEMBER 23, royal 8vo. 15s. net in cloth ; or in half-morocco, marbled edges, 20s. net. VOLUME LXI. (WHICHCORD—WILLIAMS) OF THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Edited by SIDNEY LEE. Note.—A Full Prospectus of 'The Dictionary of National Biography,' with Specimen Pages, may be had on application. GUARDIAN.—"This magnificent work is nearing its completion. When we have come down to ' Watkins ' the end is obviously in sight. Y will, no doubt, yield a good supply of 'Youngs,' but neither X nor Z can contribute much to the general total. The mere conduct to this point of so enormous a labour with such unfailing regularity of issue is a triumph of steady industry. But when we add to this the high level at which all the writing has been kept, it merits admiration of a different kind. The editor has never failed to enlist in his service the men who have made the highest reputations in their respective lines." TIMERS.—" Steadily and punctually, like some great recurrent phenomenon of nature, the volumes of this great dictionary appear, and it is almost with regret that the student remarks how near the work is coming to its completion. It would be superfluous at the present moment to repeat those general terms of praise of the design and execution of the book which have been bestowed upon each volume as it appeared; let us only say that the present instalment shows no falling off in either respect." WOULD.—•• The present instalment of this really great work is fully equal in every respect to its predecessors. Mr. Sidney Lee and his staff of contributors, indeed, have left nothing undone which the reader could wish or expect them to do, and the publishers may be congratulated on the approaching conclusion of an enterprise of which the success is as conspicuous as its merits, and in the department of literature to which it belongs unparalleled and unprecedented." THE "HAWORTH" EDITION OF THE LIFE AND WORKS OF THE SISTERS BRONTE. In 7 vols. large crown 8vo. cloth, gilt top, 6s. each. With Portraits and Illustrations. Including Views of Places described In the Works, reproduced from Photographs specially taken for the purpose by Mr. W. R. Bland, of Duffield, Derby, In conjunction with Mr. C. Barrow Keene, of Derby. Introductions to the Works are supplied by Mrs. HUMPHRY WARD, and an Introduction and Notes to Mrs. Haskell's 'Life of Charlotte Bronte ' by Mr. CLEMENT K. SHORTER. the eminent Bronte authority. Vols. I., II., and III., JANE EYRE, SHIRLEY, and VILLETTE, have been Published, and the remaining Volumes will be Issued at monthly intervals. This Edition will be similar in form to the recently completed Biographical Edition of W. M. Thackeray's Works. THE BIOGRAPHICAL EDITION OF W. M. THACKERAY'S WORKS. In 13 vols, large crown 8vo. cloth, gilt top, 6s. each. This New and Revised Edition comprises additional material and hitherto unpublished Letters, Sketches, and Drawings, derived from the Author's original MSS. and Note-Books ; and each Volume includes a Memoir in the form of an Introduction by Mrs. RICHMOND RITCHIE. V THE THIRTEEN VOLUMES ARE ALSO SUPPLIED IN SET CLOTH BINDING, GILT TOP, 3*. 18*. %* A Prospectus of the Edition, with Specimen Pages, will be sent post free on application. ROBERT BROWNING'S COMPLETE WORKS. Cheaper Edition. Edited and Annotated by AUGUSTINE BIRRELL, Q.C. M.P., and FREDERIC O. KENYON. 3 vols. large crown 8vo. bound in cloth, gilt top, with a Portrait-Frontispiece to each Volume, 7s. 6tf. per vol. V* Also the UNIFORM EDITION of ROBERT BROWNING'S WORKS, in 17 vols, crown 8vo. bound in Sets, 11. 5s.; or the Volumes bound separately, 5s. each. ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING'S POETICAL WORKS. Cheaper Edition. 1 vol. with Portrait and Facsimile of the MS. of ' A Sonnet from the Portuguese,' large crown Svo. bound in cloth, gilt top. 7«. id. V Also the UNIFORM EDITION, in 6 vols, small crown 8vo. 5». each. This Edition contains 5 Portraits of Mrs. Browning at different periods of life, and a few Illustrations. MISS THACKERAY'S WORKS. Uniform Edition. Each Volume illustrated by a Vignette Title-Page. 10 vols, large crown 8vo. 6s. each. •„• Messrs. SMITH, ELDER is CO. will be happy to forward a CATALOGUE of their Publications post free on application. London : SMITH, BLDBR & CO. 15, Waterloo Place, 8.W. Printed by JOHN EDWARD FRANCIS, Athenaeum Press. Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, EC. i and Published by JOHN U. FRANCIS at Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, E.C.—Saturday, December 23,1898.