Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/530

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552 Notes and Queries, Jan. 20,1900. INDEX. Askell family, 269, 355, 545 Astarte on Oliver Cromwell and the almanac, 129 Horning, Scottish rite, 496 Loyal addresses to Kichard Cromwell, 30 Mummy peas, 145 Pens, nibs, and nebs, 95 Athanasian Creed, story concerning, 269 Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, anecdote concerning, 68, 137 Atterbury family, 381 Attersoll (William), his ' Historic of Balak,' 103, 191 Attwell (H.) on Montreux churchyard inscription, 188, 313, 487 Motto pottery, 128 "Off" for "of," 27 Aueustales and Hexham Priory, 34, 116 Augustus, Prime of Prussia, 1790-1843, 397, 463 Auld (T.) on Cowley and E. B. Browning, 85 "Elixir Vitse" in fiction, 187 Jonson (Ben), titles of his works, 29 Keats (John), his ' Eve of St. Agnes,' 26 Oxford, expulsions from, 186 Skull writing, 25 Axon (Ernest) on parish registers, 149 Axon (W. E. A.) on "Bucks" and "Good Fellows in 1778, 2-25 Cockfighting in the last century, 62 Extraordinary abstinence, 107 La Ciega de Manzanares, 28 Leo of Modena's Hebrew-Italian sonnets, 183 Missing gipsy prince, 182 Welsh gipsy story, 161 Ayeahr on James Douglas Btoddart Douglas, 539 B. (B.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, 297 Bibury, its derivation, 108 Hard, its meaning, 357 Peerless Pool, 197 B. (C. C.) on Ailantus = tree of heaven, 423 Annotto, the dye, 195 Bellringers' rimes, 305 Boundary stones in open fields, 542 Bows and arrows as artillery, 173 Cinnamon of the ancients, 329 Daniel (Samuel), his 'Sonnets to Delia,' 170 Panii-h place-names in Cheshire, 442 Devil's door, 178, 313 Fitzgerald (K.), two early poems of, 16 " Good lines,1' commercial phrase, 53 Gow, its meaning, 78 Hawker MSS., 232 Heer-breeads, its meaning, 468 Henbane, 226, 310 Housen, 278 Howk = to pull up, 385 Howl, its derivation, 49 Image, bleeding, in Dublin, 528 Lanes, sunken, 336 Middlin', 495 Morcom surname, 467 Mountain ash, 26 Mumbudget, its meaning, 251 None, 544 "Off" for "of," 171 Palm wine, 497 Polder: Loophole, 463 B. (C. C.) on prickly pear, 51 ' Red, White, and Blue,' authorship of, 231 Keel in a bottle, 318 Scabious or devil's bit, 98 Scott's Scottish dialect, 330 8moak = to twig, 215 Sock = to thrash, 639 " Spun butter," 484 Stones, boundary, 542 " To be aff the gleg," 251 Trade = road, 313 Village posters, 245 Warts, cure for, 475 Wordsworthiana, 440 B. (E.) on epitaph at Easingwold, 326 B. (G. F. R.) on Robert Baker, 188 Boyer or Bowyer (John), 418 Brecknock (Sir Edward Wills), 488 Cockrane (Phineas), 497 Dorrington (Richard), 188 Fairfax (Bryan, Lord), compensation to, 464 Fitz-Randolph (Thomas), 477 Grammage or Gamage (Robert), 457 Ladbroke : Pery: Twigg, 445 Langworth (Thomas), 188 Hide from Paris to Fontainebleau, 443 Stacey (Henry), 477 Stafford Castle, its history, 544 Thelwall (Eubule), 457 Tuckney (W.), 437 Welsh judges, 171 B. (H. J.) on Boxing Day, 477 B. (H. T.) on card terms, 268 China ware, 89 Di Bertie (Miss), 206 Dieskau, 381 Grandison (Lord), verses by, 419 Harateen, linen fabric, 419 Louvre, a dance, 49 "Niccolina," the, 329 Norfolk (Earl of), verses by, 457 Ride from Paris to Fontainebleau, 349 Skimmington, 287 Tongues, its whereabouts, 28 B. (J. A.) on pewter and its marks, 458 B. (M. W.) on Amen Court, 27 B. (P. H. L.) on Bracebridge Hall, 880 B. (R.) on Amen Court, 134 Mummy peas, 297 B. (R. B.) on American ship-name, 498 Augustus, Prince of Prussia, 397 B. (SI. C.) on pagan festival, 61 B. (W. C.) on artists' mistakes, 237 Bacon (John), R.A., 258 Bookkeeping, 335 Booksellers' blunders, 405 " British," use of term, 96 Cattle as criminals, 151 Christmas bibliography, 515 ; drinking, 1607, ft- Cromwell (Oliver) and music, 311, 499 Cyclista' road-books, 353 Cyclopaedia of British domestic archteology, 292 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' 3, 162, 433 Dings in York, 271 Gates on commons, 251 Gaunt family, 272