Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/532

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554 INDEX. Notes and Queries, Jan. 20,1900. Bibliography :— " Elixir Vite," 187, 257 Fletcher (John), liin ' Faithful Shepherdess,' 268 ' Giants of Patagonia,' 24 Gilbert (Davies), his parochial 'History of Corn- wall,' 246 Gipsy, 108, 175 Hawker (R. 8.), his M8S., 168, 232, 255, 309, 400 Heraldry, 470 'Homish Apothecary,' 68, 172 Hubert (Sir Francis), his ' Life of Edward II.,' 9 Index, form of compilation, 12 "Infant's Library," 129, 216, 250 Keats (John), his ' Eve of St. Agnes,' 26; Lis ' Fragment of the Castle Builder,' 25, 75 Langtoft (Pierre de), his 'Chronicle,' 147, 236 Lawson (Wilfrid), his ode in the ' Music Angli- can*,1 282, 386 Ltighton (H.). his verses on books, ' Lea Eglises de la Terre Sainte,' 328, 442 Lever (Charles), ' Gerald Fitzgerald; or, the Chevalier,'148; 'A Day's Ride,'517 London churches, 349, 466 Mandeville (Sir John), his ' Travels,' 25 Marie de France, twelfth-century poetess, 189 Merivale (Herman), his ' Essays on Landscapes,' 249 Newman (Cardinal), his ' Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the Church,' 109, 177 Peace (John), 'An Apology for Cathedral Service,' 419, 523 Eeclus's ' Geographic Universelle,* 186 Rimes in books, 249 Rovinsky (D. A.), ' Russian Folk-Pictures,' 535 Rylands Library, Manchester, 326 St. Helen, Queen of England, 182 Seller (John), his ' Booke of Punishments of the Common Laws of England,' 23, 43 Shakespeare, First Folio, price of, 496 Stephen's (H.) ' A World of Wonders,' 207, 294 ' Three Sergeants,' 17, 133 'Treasurie of Auncient and Moderne Times,' 192 ' Truth about General Gordon,' 147 Usury, 169, 235 Vivian's 'Visitations of the County of Devon,' 246 Waller (Edmund), his ' Lyrics and Sacred Poems,' 11, 67, 97 Wardrobe books, 209, 813 Waverley Album, 29 Wentworth's ' Orisons,' 454 Wolfe's "The Burial of Sir John Moore,' 21, 177, 836 'Worms : a Book of Literary Oddities,' 189 Bibnry, its derivation, 108, 172, 295, 331, 524 Bicycle, early history of, 167, 272, 818 Bill of exchange, 1404, 397 Bindings, Grolier, 518 ; roxbnrghe, 348 Bingham family and arms, 31, 133 Bird (T.) on churches washed away by the sea, 426 Birds' nesting-place and gallows, 127, 233 Birkenhead (Jack), his identification, 208, 297 Bishops, Welsh Nonjnring, 268 Bishops' ' Licences for Prostitution,' 200, 277 Blair (R.) on brick dated 1383, 167 Blair (R.) on " None," with plural verbs, 544 Blaisdell, the name, 55, 75, 158 Blakemore, near Crewkerne, and Robert Ford, 519 Bleachfield horn, 309, 356 Bligh (Admiral William), his biography, 33, 97, 150, 217, 253 " Blood of Hailes," famous relic, 375 " Blot," earliest use of the word at backgammon, 476 Blount (Margaret), her identity, 287, 855 Blount and Kyre families, 438 Blunders. See ilataket. Boadicea. See Boudicca. Board of Green Cloth, Clerks of, 329, 443, 486 Boccaccio (Giovanni), tales reproduced by English poets, 313 Boddington (R 8.) on Stevenson family, 499 Stonard : Vincent: Newcombe, 90 Vincent (Dean), his engraved portrait, 313, 403 Bodies, drowned, recovered, 343 Boger (C. G.) on epitaph, " Too much beloved," Sue., 97 Boggis-Rolfe (D. H.) on Kerr family, 8 " Boiled " butter, its meaning, 475 Bonaparte (Napoleon), cast of his face, 72, 136, 194 ; and Marbenf, 188, 225, 317 Bones, human, the age of, 8, 72 Books recently published :— Acts of the Privy Council of England, edited by John Roche Dasent, 119 Adventures of Beowulf, translated by Clara Thomson, 509 Alleged Haunting of B House, edited by A. G. Freer and John, Marquis of Bute, 100 Andrews's (W.) Curious Epitaphs, 160 Ashton's (J.) Florizel's Folly, 99 Axon's (W. E. A.) Echoes of Old Lancashire, 429 • Ortensio Lando, 200 Baden-Powell's (B. H.) Origin and Growth of Village Communities in India, 240 Balfour's (H.) The Natural History of the Musical Bow, 199 Beaven's (Rev. A. B.) Bristol Lists, Municipal and Miscellaneous, 430 Becke (L.) and Jefiery's (W.) Admiral Phillip, 259 Bodington's (C.) LichEeld Cathedral, 80 Book-Prices Current, Vol. XIII., 389 Bradshaw's (H.) Statutes of Lincoln Cathedra], 38 Browne's (W. A.) Merchant's Handbook of Money, Weights, and Measures, 59 Bugge's (S.) The Home of the Eddie Poems, trans, by W. H. Schofield, 159 Burke's (Sir B.) Genealogical and Historical Dic- tionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, 549 Butler's (Samuel) Shakespeare's Sonnets Recon- sidered and in part Rearranged, 428 Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London, 198 Callow's (B.) From King Orry to Queen Victoria, 529 Cameron's (A. C.) History of Fettercairn, 469 Chisel, Pen, and Poignard ; or, Benvenuto Cellini, his Times and his Contemporaries, 509