Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/545

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Notes and Queries, Jan. 30,1900. 567 INDEX. Lingard (Dr.) and hi* criticism of Raine's 'St. Cuthbert,' 269, 853 Links with the past, 275, 319 Little Gidding Church, Ealing, sketch of, 267, 353 Livry Abbey, its dedication, 268, 504 Lollier (Jeanette), bouquetiere, 49 Lobuc on William Crashaw, preacher at the Temple Church, 1605-13, 168 Earl Marshal's Court, 381 Foot outlines as records of pilgrimage, 464 Henley (Robert), 519 Morcom surname, 406 London, City of, warrants granting venison for, 225 London, East, its antiquities and topography, 145, 215, 315, 386, 485, 542 London, relic of old, Godfrey's Court, 344, 442, 508 London, vanishing, 86, 149, 165, 207, 455 London and environs, books on, 128 London and Lonnon, 217 London clubs of the eighteenth and nineteenth cen- turies, 225, 333, 899, 520 London Corporation records, 289, 385 •London Telegraph,' 1848, 348, 427, 540 Long or Laing (William), Gretna Green priest, 541 Longfellow (H. W.), his ' Padre Francisco,' 196 Lonk sheep, Lancashire term, 309, 386 Lonsdale (J.) on heraldic, 131 Loon, its definition, 346, 425 Loophole, its etymology, 347 L'Ordra du Devoir (France), 28, 96 Louvre, French dance, 49, 111, 250 Lovell (W.) on Charles Lever, 245 Lovibond surname, 175 Lowell (James Russell) on ' Aurora Leigh,' 95 Lowestoft china, 498 Lowsley (B.) on gates on commons, 155 Swabbers and whist, 887 " Three Pound Twelve," 443 Luck, kissing for, 148 • Lucy's Flitting,' its author, 96, 154 Lumb (G. D.) on marriages of persons already married to each other, 73, 212 Massy (John), 17 Lurid, its meaning, 28, 93, 214 Luton Trinity Gild, register of, 1475-1546, 307, 402 Lych gate, 300 Lynn (W. T.) on ailantus, its meaning, 347 Cespititious, its earliest use, 126 Date of King Alfred's death, 435 Job xxii. 30, 65 Ramsay (Prof) and the date of the Nativity, 82 Lytton of Knebworth, arms of, 457 M. on Scottish army, 288 M. A. on King Charles I., 174 Mango family, 208 Weddings in Bristol Cathedral, 127 M.A.Oxon. on Sir Edmund Wright, 404 M.P. claiming payment of expenses, 16 M.P.s, last pre-Reform, 265 M. (A.) on archaeological rarity, 69 M. (A. L.) on etymology of huzzar, 67 M. (C. C.) on Anglo-Saxon speech, 187 M. (D.) on General John Armstrong, 28 Armstrong (Sir Thomas), 28 M. (E.) on proper use of " Per pro," 38 M. (G. A.) on horse-bread, 547 M. (G. 6.) on Les Detenus, 522 M, (G. M.) on bleeding image in Christ Church, Dublin, 311, 527 M. (G. W.) on godbrother, 167 M. (H, E.) on alphabetic apophthegms, 468 Black images of Madonna, 77, 135 Death of a ghost, 65 Easter egg and rabbit, 91 Poet's immortality predicted by himself, 33 Russian folk-pictures, 535 Russian weather-lore, 130 Russian word, 423 M. (N.) & A. on dibble, 14 Monster from the Tiber, 226 Towton and Marston Moor, 127 " Ugly mug." 268 MacAlister (J. Y. W.) on Edward Edwards, 268 Macaulay (Lord) and Admiral Coligny, 263 Macaulay (Mrs. Catherine), 1731-1791, 200, 238 MacDowell family, 457, 540 Mace at Ilchester, inscription on, 305 Macfarlan (James), his ' Book-World,' 48, 95 Machiavelli, his supposed portrait by Titian, 8, 75 McGovem (J. B.) on book by Cardinal Newman, 109 Gladstone and the Metaphysical Society, 381 Martyr Bishop of Armagh, 52 Record book-prices, 472 Striking replica, 226 McGrath (E.) on gazebo, its derivation, 26 M'L. (J. J.) on Grolier bindings, 518 McMahon (M.) on Moore and Moliere, 66 Moore (Thomas), his wife, 49 MacMichael (J. H.) on archaeological rarity, 134 Bell-ringing during a thunderstorm, 332 Bucks and Good Fellows, 333, 520 Coal folk-lore, 443 Fleet Street, No. 17, 481 National nicknames, 212 Oof, its etymology, 252 " Passing the time of day," 72 Peerless Pool, 197 Poultry, the, 383 Tips, origin of, 461 " Ugly mug," 402 Macphail (E. M.) on Inde-haudias, 485 Macray (W. D.) on Bishop Atterbury, 137 Macready (W. C), curious feature in his copy of ' Hamlet,' 209 MacRitchie (D.) on "As fu 's the Baltic," 336 Madonna, black images of the, 77, 135, 177, 315 Magnetic Pole, its locality, 198, 272, 334 Maheu de Redman, origin of the name, 288, 351 Maize, early erroneous mention of, 107, 276 Malet (H.) on hone-bread, 173 Malone (Edmund), spelling of his Christian name, 56 Malta, right of sanctuary in, 437 Mandeville (Sir John), his travels, 25 Mango family, 208 Manley (F. E.) on Butterworths, law publishers, 294 ' Historie of Balak,' 192 Holy wells, 16 Moore (Thomas), his wife, 184 Manx law relating to deceased wife's sister, 226