Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/550

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572 Notes and Queries, Jan. 20, 1900. INDEX. Pickford (J.) on glewed, its meaning, 315 Grain = to throttle, 174 Hearne (Thomas), his tomb, 142 Holy Communion, 385 Hugo (Victor) : " The Flying Dutchman," 333 " Imperium in imperio," 69, 254 Inn signs, curious, 225 Lavinia, Christian name, 74 Les Detenus, 425 " Like a thresher," 234 Lurid, its meaning, 214 Picket, military punishment, 540 St. Jordan, 483 Statue in Bergen, 514 Trafalgar, battle of, 525 "Vincent (Dean), engraved portrait of, 185, 253 Walpole (Horace) and his editors, 284 ' Waverley Album,' 29 Whorwood family, 394 Picton (General), bis trial in 1806, 539 Pierpoint (K.) on "Like a thresher," 254 Piert, its meaning, 328, 461, 525 Pigott (W. J.) on Sir Anthony Jackson, 69 Pennington (I.), Lord Mayor, 381 Pile (T. A. J.) on Bermudas Company, 108 Heraldic survivals, 27 Pilgrimage, foot outlines as records of, 306 Pinaseed, its meaning, 205, 257, 335 Pineapple, " worn out," 419 Pink (VV. D.) on old bellringer, 185 Brewer (Andrew), his biography, 9 Pre-Reform M.P.b, last of the, 265 Venison for the City, 225 Wright (Sir Edmund), Lord Mayor of London, 335 Pins in drinking vessels, 287, 358, 484 Pitman (H. A.) on Robert and Henry Delaval, 417 Pitt portraits, sale of, 346 Plackett (Jack) and his common, 58, 138 Planche" (J. R.), his burlesque of Aristophanes' ' Birds,' 204, 296, 357, 502 Plantagenet on origin of English coinage, 504 Piatt (J.), jun., on South African names, 519 Annotto, 125 " Elixir Vitas" in fiction, 257 French proper names, 6 Jaguar, its etymology, 65 Judgment, 404 Karon, its etymology, 105, 236 Mead and Obarni, 32 National nicknames, 296 Obi : Obeah, 47 Oof, 252 Papaw, its origin, 515 Patronymics, 157 Peccary, its etymology, 496 Russian language, 356 Sjambok, its etymology, 456 Soy, 475 Teas, their names, 26 Plural of Latin words ending in " us," 395 Pluto as God of Wealth, 265, 402 Python and beaver, 24 Pock-fretten, early use of the word, 514 Poet, his immortality predicted by himself, 33,172, 507 Poets, anonymous, in a ' Forget-me-not,' 498 Poets and the tender passion, 51 Poets' descriptions of hell, 126, 217, 296, 336, 423 Polder=a pool, 347, 462 Pole, Magnetic, its locality, 198, 272, 334 Politician on " Appearance "=electoral nomination, 496 Double-name signatures for peers, 399 " Parliamentary language," 442 Porte-manteau in diplomacy, 536 Polkiughorn, its derivation and meaning, 108, 214, 311, 461 Pollard (M.) on " A reel in a bottle," 282, 403 Pollock (P.) on ' Goody Goosecap,' 67 Ponsonby (C.) on bridge, 497 Poole (C. L.) on ' The Three Sergeants,' 17 Pope (A.), a misstatement by him, 204 Popham (J. S.) on devil's offering, 68 Porte-manteau in diplomacy, 536 Porteous (Sheritt), Welsh Nonjuring bishop, 268 Porter's lodge, its meaning, 314 Postal concessions, proposed international, 246 Pottery, Allervale, mottoes on, 128, 193 Poultry, the, its whereabouts and history, 228 ; book- selling in, 383, 466 Poultry, St. Mildred's, 478, 528 Powell (H. Y.) on Welsh surnames, 216 Powerscourt (Lord), his ride from Paris to Fontaine- bleau, 349, 443 Prefaces, the three most famous, 54, 97 ; custom of writing, 479 Premier or Prime Minister, 34 Price (F. G. H.) on Jane Shore, 57 Prideaux (W. F.) on Albert Gate, 357 Aldgate and Whitechapel, 269, 441 Arnold (Matthew), 249 Bourchier or Bourgchier family, 157 Daniel's ' Sonnets to Delia,' 101, 209 Drayton (Michael), 237 Fitzgerald (E.), two early poems of, 15 FoBter pedigree, 271 Gipsies, 175 Gordon (Major William), 256 Gray and Walpole, 531 Hawker MSS., 300 Jack Plackett's Common, 58 Janissary, its etymology, 13 Kipling's ' Lucia,' 285 Menilek, 171 Mennes (Sir Matthew), 351 Mint, the, 404 Obituary notices of contributors, 411 St. Mary Matfelon, 116 Smoak—to twig, 78 Thorns (W. J.), his library, 488 Tiffin, 425 Vanishing London, 149 Walworth: Walbrook, 334 Priest used as a verb, 514 Prime Minister or Premier, 34 Pringle (A. T.) on black Jews, 812 Prior (M.), his parentage, 32 Priories, alien, 274 Prittlewell Churchyard, epitaph in, 826, 427, 504