Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 4.djvu/552

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574 INDEX. Notes and Queries, Jan. 20,1900. Babbit and Easter egg, tbeir association, 91 Kadcliffe (J.) on Authorized Version, 1611, 352 Bear and ragged staff, 481 Bermudas Company, 233 Boole (George and Mar;), 526 Bourchier or Bourgchier family, 158 Cinnamon of the ancients, 482 Cornish armoury, 356 Do Creon family, 152 Dorset, sixth Earl of, 72 Ford family, 274 Fortescue family, 195 Gipsy language, 175 Grange (Lady), 16 Hannays of Kirkdale, 196 Hard, its meaning, 358 Heath (Benjamin), of Exeter, 485 ' Homish Apothecary, '172 Folkingborn, its derivation, 215 Rosmer, its locality, 428 St. Mary's, Westminster, 401 Swigg surname, 464 Thompson family, 548 Raine (Rev. James), criticism of his 'St. Cuthbert,' 269, 353 Ramsay (Prof.) and the date of the Nativity, 82, 136 Randall (W. S.) on Herries family, 311 Tumour (Sir Edward), portrait of, 333 VVigmore family, 380 Rashdall family inquired after, 478 Ratcliffe (T.) on " An old friend and a good singer," 26 " Bold Infidelity, turn pale and die," 268, 423 Clock-case inscription, 208 Corn-crake—landrail, 58 Gallows birds and others, 234 Gate, sign of inn, 33 Gleg: " To be aff the gleg," 314 Glewed, its meaning, 315 ' Good Lines,' 63 Haives = hoot's, 522 Han, its meaning, 405 " Like a thresher," 106 Lowestoft china, 498 Many a seven," 263 Passing the time of day, 72 Pennyworth : " A good pennyworth," 522 " Puts nowt up to mean nowt," 237 Ricks=the scolding wife, 185 Smoak = to twig, 78 " Soft as a toad," 516 Summer rain and sun, rime, 165 Sun drawing water, 205 Twilly toes, 31 Read (F. W.) on double-name signatures for peers, 487 Shakespearian*, 221 ' Reaping,'poem in Buchanan's ' Wayside Posies,' 519 Reclus, error in his ' Geographic Univereelle,' 186 Records, London Corporation, 289, 385 Red-letter : People of the Red-letter, 418, 523 Redmond (Capt. Charles), his biography, 248 Redmond (P.) on Beatrice Fitz-Reimund, 249 Redmond (Capt. Charles), 248 Redway (G. W.) on Macready's copy of' Hamlet,' 209 "Reel in a bottle," 129, 232, 318, 403 Registers, parish, untrustworthy, 149, 210, 482 Reid (A. G.) on bastardy, 216 Cervantes and Burns, 144 Perth in the sixteenth century, 186 Robie Uncle's wraith, 86 Water, its pronunciation, 443 Reid family of Hailles, 348, 465 Remington & Co., absorption of firm, 47, 97 Rendall (V.) on Latin quotations, 327 Rent services, ancient ceremony, 396, 504 Renwick (J. C.) on off for of, 171 Replica, a striking, 226 Re've'rend (Vte.) on Browne-Mill, 267 Dauvergne aliat d'Auvergne, 287 Rhodesia, its pronunciation, 288 Richardson (W. C.) on Mead and Obarni, 32 Ricks=the scolding wife, 185 Riddle-book published in 1778, 227 Rime for rhyme, 20 Rimes, warning, for book-borrowers, 153, 816, 484; in books, 249 ; bellringers', 305, 446 Ringe8=row, East Anglian word, 12 Ristori (Madame), her theatrical repertoire, 167, 295, 337, 445 R ivett-Carnac (J. H.) on Republican five-franc piece, 49 Robbins (A. F.) on birthday of George III., 305 Conservative as a political term, 333 Cricket between female teams, 474 Cricket matches, early, 17 " Energetic Old Man," 518 Lincoln's Inn Fields, 512 Pennyworth : " A good pennyworth," 436 Prime Minister or Premier, 34 Snipers, 543 'Telegraph,'348 Roberts (W.) on Ailantus, 423 Beevor family, 144 Browne (Wogan), 438 Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth, 487 Congeries, 46 Dance (George), B.A., portraits by, 1 ' Dictionary of National Biography,' 5 Gilbert's (Davies) 'Cornwall,' 246 Hastings (Warren), portrait by Lawrence, 263 Hodges (Mrs.), 499 Knights, list of, 279 Lurid, its meaning, 93 Malone (Edmund), 56 Parry family, 448 Pitt portraits, 846 Poultry, the, 384 Stowe sale of pictures, 91 Thorns (W. J.), his library, 401 Wardrobe Book, 313 Robinson (J.) on Delaval family, 486 Water-pipes, ancient, 15 Robson (N. E.) on " Married ! married I and not to me!" 256 Roche peerage, 182 Rolling-pins as charms, 154, 235, 354 Roman Britain, Christianity in, 229, 334, 406, 508 Roman Catholicism in London prior to 1778, 511 Roman coinage and weights, 518 Roman numerals for 1900, 57, 151, 233, 428 Roman remains in Dorset, discovery of, 266