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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9th S. IV. July 15,'99. IiHE ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW. Edited bj 8. B GARDINER, D.C.L. LL.D., Fellow of Mertoa College, Oxford, and REGINALD L. POOLE, MA. PhD , Fellow of Magdalen College and Lecturer In Diplomatic la the University of Oxford. No. 55. JULY, 1899. Royal 8vo. price 6«. 1. Articles. BERNARD the KING'S SCRIBE. By 1. H. Round. The GUIDI and their RELATION8 with FLORENCE. By MiM Bckenateln. Part II. BOMB PAMPHLETS of the FRENCH WARS of RELIGION. By Arthur Tilley. The NEAPOLITAN REPUBLICANS and NELSON'S ACCUSERS. By Capt. A. T. Mahan, U.S.N. D.C.L. 2. Tiotes and Document*.—Some Legal Texts In the Leicester Yellum Book. By MlBS Mary Kateson.—Two Documents relating to the Conquest of Wales. By J. E."Morris. —Terra Soliata. By Miss F. G. Davenport.—The Account Roll of a Fifteenth-Century Iron Master. By GaUlard T. Lapsley.—Sir William Stanley and l'erklu Warbeck. By W. A. J. Archbold.—Blake at Leghorn. By Robert Jowltt Whit- well.—Tbe Capture of Santiago, in Cuba, by Capt. Myngs, 1662. By C. H. Firth. 8. Bevictcsof Booke.—i. Correspondences. Notices of Periodicals.—e. List of Recent Historical Publications. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. London, New York, and Bombay. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. 389. JULY, 1899. 8V0. price 6s. On Monday next. 1. BRITISH FLNANCB In the NINETEENTH CENTURY. 2. The LIFE and WRITINGS of MRS. OLIPHANT. 8. SOME ASPECTS of MODERN ART. 4. LORD CLARE. 5 The MEANING of RITES. 6. ODES and EPODES of HORACE. 7. The ETHICS of VIVISECTION. 8. The FALL ol the WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE. 1). The CONFERENCE and ARBITRATION. 10. MONTALEMBERT. 1L The PROBLEM In CHINA. LONGMANS, GREEN ft CO. London, New York, and Bombay. STICKPHAST PASTE is HEAPS better than Gnm for sticking in Scraps, joining Papers, Ac. fld. and Is. with strong, useful Brush (not a Toy). Send two stamps to cover postage for a sample Bottle, Including Brush. Factory, Sugar Loaf Court, Leadenhall Street, E.G. Of all Stationers. Stlckphast Paste sticks. WM. & GEO. LAW. COFFEE—SUGAR—TEA. 104, NEW OXFORD STREET, W.G. SCHWBPPES MINERAL WATERS ARE ALWAYS THE STANDARD OP COMPARISON. Ochweppesboda. THESE WATERS (Soda, Seltzer, Potass, Lemon- ade, Tonic Water, Dry Ginger Ale, and Sparkling Malvern) have been celebrated for over a century. They have always had the patronage of Royalty, and continue to be supplied to the Queen. t ENGLISH NATURAL TABLE WATER:— -j


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