Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/242

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th S. V. MARCH 24, 1900.

Mines,' Thorpe's ' Dictionary of Applied Chemistry,' and ' British Manufacturing In- dustries,' edited by G. Phillips Bevan, 14 vols. (Stanford). WM. H. PEET.

Muspratt's ' Chemistry,' vol. i., contains a long and interesting account of the English alum trade from its earliest commencement ; see also Cooley's ' Cyclopaedia,' vol. i. Judging from Muspratt's account, it would appear as if one or more Papal Bulls were issued against the establishment of this industry in England. Perhaps some reader can supply particulars of these Papal Bulls. J. P. S.


I am indebted to the * Contents-Subject Index,' by A. Cotgreave, librarian of the West Ham Public Library, now in course of publication, for the following extract :

"Alum, History of. Beckman's History of Inventions. Bloxam's Chemistry. Watts's Dic- tionary of Chemistry, vol. i. Meymott's Modern Chemistry. Thorpe's Dictionary of Chemistry." EVERARD HOME COLEMAN.

71, Brecknock Road.

MR. GLADSTONE'S HEIGHT (9 th S. v. 129, 189). Early in 1894 Mr. Gladstone told me that he was then 5 ft. 9 in., but had been 5ft. 11 in. H. G. L. S.

TWENTY - FOUR - HOUR DIALS ON CLOCKS (8 th S. xii. 9, 109, 171, 292, 494). At the third reference LORD ALDENHAM draws attention to an error made in his reply at the second reference, viz., that " Sous " appears instead of Sono. Should not "ventre" be replaced by venti ? The sentence would then be " Sono le venti tre, Signore." I do not know Mrs. Starke's ' Guide-Book for Travellers in Italy.' It may be that the word ventre (belly) appears there for venti (twenty).


  • YE KING OF ARMS ' (8 th S. i. 493). Should

this meet the eye of PETER, and he will place himself in communication with me, I shall be glad to give him any further particulars of this publication. It appeared weekly from 18 October, 1873, until 24 January, 1874.


7, Spenser Mansions, W.

LYDDITE (9 th S. v. 185). This explosive is so named from being first used at the Royal Artillery Camp at Lydd in Kent, where experiments are carried out in gunnery under the Ordnance Committee, as is also ordinary practice. It is of War Department manufacture, under the advice of the distinguished chemist Sir Frederick Abel, F.R.S. Under the name of picric

powder it has been known for some thirty ^ears, and it received its present appellation six or seven years ago. H. P. L.

"IRISH FEARAGURTHOK " (9 th S. v. 108, 174).

For further information I would refer your readers to the * English Dialect Dictionary ' s.v. ' Fairgorta '). A. L. MAYHEW.

WHITE CATTLE (9 th S. v. 147). The follow- ing extract from Stprer's ' White Wild Cattle of Great Britain' will, in part, answer:

' Another herd of wild cattle was kept in Scot- land, from forty to fifty years since, at Blair Athole, n the north of Perthshire, one of the ancient High- Land seats of the Murrays, Dukes of Athole. It Belonged to Lord James Murray, created in 1821 Lord Glenlyon, who, about that time, had the management of the estates. These cattle were kept in one of the parks at Blair Athole, and are known as the Athole Herd. From the testimony of numer- ous persons of the highest character who knew them, I entertain no doubt that they were the genuine wild cattle ; they were ' white with black points,' having the ears, the muzzles, the orbits of the eyes, and the hoofs in a great measure black, and they bred perfectly true. Owing to family circumstances the Athole herd was sold in 1834. Mr. Butter, of Faskally, who ia still living, and informs me that such was the case, bought the greater part of them, which were divided between the present Duke of Buccleuch and the Marquis of Breadalbane."

Seeing that the "white cattle" were the original denizens of the place, it is rather difficult to see where the prophecy could come in. It seems apocryphal.


"DozziL" OR "DossiL" (9 th S. iv. 479; v. 17, 178). May I venture to refer any one who is interested in the uses and history of this word to the 'English Dialect Dictionary' (s.v. 'Dozzle'), where will be found eleven meanings of the word, and its derivation from the French doisil ? A. L. MAYHEW.

SIR HENRY CAREY, KNT. (9 th S. v. 87).-His name occurs frequently in the ' Calendars of State Papers' till 30 Aug., 1604, on which date he nad a licence to travel for seven years (Jas. L, vol. ix. 27). Then there is a gap till 16 July, 1606, where in a letter from John Chamberlain to Dudley Carleton one item of news is "Sir Henry Carey is returned from the Low Countries " (ibid., vol. xxii. 57). The interval apparently can only be filled in by conjecture. In 1558 an Edmund Cary was in command of a regiment composing part of the garrison of Da venter, in the Low Coun- tries, so the family sympathies were with the Hollanders in the struggle against Spain ; and in the year 1604 the town of Lingen, of which Col. Martin Cobbe was governor, after