Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/251

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' Errata ' to above, vol. iv. p. 156. 'A Capfull of Sea-Slang for Christmas,' signed "E. F. G., "vol. iv. pp. 261-264.

I am unable to give the dates of the last four articles, as the fourth volume of the East Anglian was issued in undated numbers, and not in quarterly parts, but they were pro- bably printed during 1869 and 1870, the " Cap- full" appearing in the November number of the latter year. In a letter to S. Laurence, dated 27 February (1870), FitzGerald told him that he would send him two little papers about the sea words and phrases used about Lowestoft (' Letters/ ii. 115-116), and it amused him to have his three papers on the subject done up in wrappers for presentation to his friends. One of these copies, compris- ing only the first part, which was formerly in my possession, was enclosed in a pink wrapper, on which was the following title :

Sea Words and Phrases | along the Suffolk Coast. | No. I. | Extracted from the East Anglian Notes and Queries, | January, 1869. | Lowestoft : | Samuel Tymms, 60 High Street. | 1869.

These ' Sea Words ' were not reprinted by Dr. Aldis Wright in the ' Letters and Literary Remains of Edward FitzGerald, 3 but they will be found at the end of the second volume of Mr. Quaritch's American edition of Fitz- Gerald V Works.'

Notes and Queries. 'Anecdote Biography,' 2 nd S. x. 123(18 Aug., 1860).

' Old English Tunes,' 2 nd S. x. 126 (18 Aug., 1860).

' Gouge : the Conge, Yarmouth ' [and the Gong at Lowestoft], 2 nd S. x. 137 (18 Aug., 1860).

' Latin, Greek, and Roman Metres,' 2 nd S. x. 139 (18 Aug., 1860).

'Harmonious Blacksmith,' 2 nd S. x. 227 (22 Sept., 1860).

' Bachaumont's Memoires Secrets, Londres, 1778,' 2 nd S. x. 447 (8 Dec., 1860).

' East Anglian Words,' 2 nd S. xi. 63 (26 Jan., 1861).

At the end of this note is the following query :

" Why will no one reprint the whole, or a good abstract, of Dampier's fine 'Voyages'? and (now one is about it) all Dryden's Prefaces, which John- son notices as things sui generis quite ? "

It will be seen that this idea is worked out in a later note, and it clung to FitzGerald till the end of his life, for in a letter to Mr. Lowell, written in October, 1877, he returns to the subject, and expresses the opinion that " Dry- den's Prose, quoad Prose, is the finest Style of all " (' Letters,' ii. 227, 228). ' France Past and Present,' 2 nd S. xi. 107 (9 Feb.,

'Dryden's Prefaces,' 2 nd S. xi. 125 (16 Feb., 1861). ' Whittington and his Cat,' 2 nd S. xi. 372 (11 May, 1861).

'Memoranda,' 2 nd S. xi. 377 (11 May, 1861).

  • Detrus (.Petrus],' 2 nd S. xi. 415 (25 May, 1861).

All these communications to * N. & Q.' were signed by the characteristic name of " Para- thina," which suited well one who loved the sea as FitzGerald did. " My chief Amuse- ment in Life is Boating, on River and Sea," he told Prof. Cowell just three days before this last note appeared in these columns. It has been suggested that he sometimes used the signature " Epsilon " in ' N. & Q.,' but I have not found any communication over that signature which can be indisputably set down as Edward FitzGerald's. It is curious that all his communications should be confined to two volumes of the series.

The Ipswich Journal (Suffolk Notes and Queries), 1877-78 :-' Limb ' (No. VII.).

' Rev. John Carter of Bramford' (No. VII.).

'Duzzy'(No. XIX.).

' East Anglian Query ' fas to the rime He who would old England win At Weybourne Hoope must first begin]

(No. XXL).

'Norfolk Superstition' [as to All Hallows Eve] (No. XXII.).

'Major Moor, David Hume, and the Royal George ' (No. XX1IL).

' Suffolk Minstrelsy' (No. L.).

All these contributions were signed "Effigy," i.e., E. F. G. A few of them have been re- printed by Mr. Francis Hindes Groome in his ' Two Suffolk Friends,' pp. 78-80.

Temple Bar, a London Magazine for Town and Country Readers. ' Percival Stockdale and Baldock Black Horse,' no signature, vol. Iviii. p. 21 (Jan., 1880, No. 230).

"These notes concerning Baldock Mill and Church- yard were taken during a visit there in the spring of 1857, just one hundred years after poor ' Stockey's ' visit, perhaps even to a day, for a large oak-apple bough had just, I remember, been hoisted on the steeple in annual memory of King Charles" (cf. ' Letters,' i. 332, for this visit to Bedfordshire). This paper has never been reprinted.

' Virgil's Garden laid out k la Delille,' no signa- ture, vol. Ixiv. p. 597 (April, 1882, No. 257). In a letter to Prof. C. E. Norton, dated 9 June, 1882, FitzGerald wrote :

" I will enclose some pretty Verses, some twenty years old, which I sent to Temple Bar, which re- paid me (as I deserved) with a dozen copies." ' Letters,' ii. 330.

These verses were reprinted by Dr. Aldis Wright in the ' Letters and Literary Remains of Edward FitzGerald,' iii. 464.

It is generally known that FitzGerald was f orid of printing off a few copies of any literary waif or stray which happened to strike his fancy. These trifles do not, of course, fall within the scope of these notes, but one or two may be mentioned. In June, 1878, he reprinted from the Ipswich Journal some copies of Archdeacon Groome's story of * The