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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. v. APRIL 7, 1000.

the brother of the said Samuel Goodere, on 18 March, 1741, at the Bristol gaol delivery, Mr. Stephen furnishes his readers with the following particulars relating to the history of the above-named Capt. Samuel Goodere :

"Samuel Goodere, 1687-1741, entered the Navy in 1705, served through the War of Spanish Suc- cession, but in 1719 was found guilty by a court- martial of having been very much wanting in the performance of his duty in the attack on St. Sebastian in the same year. He was temporarily appointed to another ship for rank in 1733. He was then living with his father, who had quarrelled with John (one of his sons), and apparently John had quarrelled with his wife, who was supported against him by Samuel. The father's will dis- appointed both sons, and John, having cut off the entail of his estate during his son's fife, after his death announced his intention of leaving it to one of the Footes, a cousin of the actor, which probably led to his murder. Samuel left two sons. It seems doubtful whether they succeeded to the baronetcy. The elder died insane ; the younger became a poor knight at Windsor, and dropped the name of Goodere. He made himself conspicuous by the oddity of his behaviour,"

and died in 1809. G. GREEN SMITH.

Moorland Grange, Bournemouth.

In answer to MR. FERGUSSON, a full report of the trial of Capt. Samuel Goodyere at Bristol on 26 March, 1741, for the murder of Sir John Dinely Goodyere, Bart., on board H.M. Ship Ruby on 17 January, 1741, will be found in * Wonderful Characters,' by Henry Wilson (London, 1822), vol. iii. pp. 246-58.

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

GIPSIES IN ENGLAND IN THE THIRTEENTH CENTURY (9 th S. v. 186). MR. AXON asks, "What does Bacon mean by the words he attributes to David, ' Dedisti earn escam populis ./Ethiopum ' ? " He is quoting Psalm Ixxiv. 14, as given by the LXX. interpreters :

ra<s K<oAas rov Spa/covros O.VTOV /2pa>;u,a Aaots rots AiOio\[>i.

The Vulgate gives the same rendering : " Tu confregisti capita draconis : dedisti earn escam populis ^Ethiopum."

JOHNSON BAILY. Ryton Rectory.

Bacon is referring to Psalm Ixxiv. 14, which in the A.V. runs :

" Thou breakest the heads of leviathan in pieces and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness,"

a rendering to which the R.V. virtually assents.

"The LXX., Vulgate and ./Ethiopia, however, read, to the peoples of the ^Ethiopians The mysticaj

explanations are full. The ^Ethiopians are they who were once black and defiled with sin ; who

were sometimes darkness, but now light in the Lord.' And Leviathan has been given them for meat because God has given power over the devil

nto the hands of His faithful," &c. Neale and Littledale's 'Commentary on the Psalms,' vol. ii. p. 448.


EIGHTEENTH - CENTURY 'HISTORY OP ENG- LAND' (9 th S. v. 127, 189). The description of this volume as given by MR. CLAYTON tallies in a remarkable manner with a copy in my possession. There are, however, some im- portant differences, which I should be glad to place on record. The book is large folio, half- bound, and contains frontispiece, title-page, preface, "To the Public," 1 p., map of England, 698 pp. of letterpress printed in double columns, 11 pp. (not paged) of index, 1 p. directions to binder (as quoted), and 2pp. list of subscribers. The illustrations entirely coincide with MR. CLAYTON'S description. A comparison of the following copy of the title- page with that quoted by MR. CLAYTON will reveal several curious points of divergence :

"A | New and Complete | History of England, j from the | earliest period | of | authentic intelli- gence | to the | present time. | Wherein every inter- esting Transaction, relating to | War or Peace, j Laws or Government, | Policy or Religion, | is im- partially recited ; j the noble superstructure of | the British Constitution | fully described, and traced from its original foundation : | the characters of the most eminent persons | are impartially drawn, | and their genius and learning, their virtues and their vices, properly displayed. | Together with | a circumstantial history of Literature, | and the |

Erogress of the Arts in this Kingdom, | from their rst introduction to the present period of elegant improvement. | By TEMPLE SYDNEY, Esq. | Em- bellished and illustrated with upwards of One Hundred beautiful Copper Plates, engraved in the most masterly Manner, | from the drawings of the ingenius Mr. \Vale, by those capital English Artists, | Grignion, Walker, Rennoldson, and Taylor. |

All Hail Britannia ! Queen of Isles !

Where Freedom dwells, and Commerce smiles : Where fair Religion burns her brightest Flame, And every Virtue consecrates her Name :

Whose Godlike Sons disdain to yield,

Or in the Senate, or the Field ; While their strong Eloquence and Courage roll Warmth to the Heart, and Terror to the Soul.

All Hail Britannia ! Queen of Isles !

Where Freedom dwells, and Commerce smiles : Whose still undaunted Tars, with Sails unfurl'd, Ride in bold Triumph, Conquerors of the World.

London : | Printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's- Head, in Pater-noster Row. MDCCLXXV."

With the work indicated in the advertise- ment supplied by MR. TATE we have now recorded three distinct editions, all published by J. Cooke within a period of four or five