Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/439

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Bodleian Library (duplicates), 1862, May 21-26. S. Boehm, Edmund, 1823, May 23-24. E. Bohn, H. G. (stock), Part I., 1868, Feb. 10 and 23 days. S. -Part II. , 1870, May 9 and 20 days.

Bohn,' John, 1847, May 18-22. Hammond. Bolland, Baron, 1840, Nov. 18 and 12 days. E. Bonaparte, Prince L. L., 1863, June 18. S. 1895,

Feb. 18-19. S. Boone, Messrs, (remaining stock), 1873, March 24

and 7 days. S.

Booth, W. H., 1837, Dec. 15 and 6 days. E. Booth, Alderman W. H., 1884, Feb. 18 and 5 days.

Copes, Dunn & Pilcher, Manchester. Boswell, James, 1825, May 24 and 9 days. S. Boucher, Rev. Jon., 1806, Feb. 24 and 26 days. S. Bowly, Hy. (and J. M. Leake), 1863, June 22-23. S. Boyne, W., 1867, March 12-13. S. Bransby, J. Hews, 1828, Nov. 27 and 10 days. S. Bransby. Rev. J. Hews, 1848, May 22-25. 'P. Bray, W., 1820, May 16-17. S. Brice, W., of Bristol (MSS., Pope, Rossetti, &c.),

1887, July 26-28. S. Bright, B. H. (law library), 1844, June 3. S.

MSS., 1844, June 18. S. Library, 1845, March 31

and 11 days. S. Natural history books, &c.,

1845, April 12. S. Remaining portion of library,

1845, July 7 and 5 days. S. British Museum (duplicates), 1832, March 12 and

8 days. S.

Britton, John, F.S. A., Part IV., 1858, April 6-15. P. Broadley, John, Part I., 1832, July 12-14. E.

Part II., 1833, June 19 and 5 days. E. Brockett, J. Trotter, 1823, Dec. 8 and 14 days. S.

1843, June 16 and 7 days. S. Brodrick, Hon. C. See Cashel. Bromet, W., M.D., F.S.A., 1851, Jan. 28-30. P. Bromiom, Rev. P., &c., 1870, Jan. 12-19. P. Browne, W. G., 1814, May 24-25. S. Bruce, James (the traveller), MSS., 1827, May 17. C. Buckingham, Duke of (books), 1849, Jan. 8 and

11 days. S. 1849, Jan. 29 and 11 days. S.

Books omitted, Aug. 9. Engraved Br. pts., 1849,

March 5 and 9 days. S. Stowe Granger pts.,

March 21 and 5 days. S. Buckingham, 1st Marquis (MSS. and letters), 1865,

June 27. P. Buckinghamshire, library from, Part L, 1851,

June 16 and 5 days. S. Part II., 1851, July 30

and 3 days. S.

Buckle, H. T. , 1863, July 13 and 7 days. S. Bungay Book Society, &c., 1862, May 5-9. P. Burchell, W. J., D.C.L., 1865, Dec. 6. Foster, Pall


Burges, Geo., 1864, July 16 and 18. S. Burgess, Thos., &c., 1851, Jan. 17-22. P. Burgon, Thos. (of B.M.), 1858, Dec. 22. S. Burn, J. H., 1869, July 21-29. P. Burney, Charles, F.R.S., 1814, June 9 and 8 days.

Burns, R. (80 poems in MS.), 1861, May 2-4. P.

Burton, R. (MSS.), 1850, June 21-22. P.

Butler, Dr. Samuel, Part L, 1840, March 23-28. C.

Part II. (Aldines), 1840, June 1 and 8 days. C.

-Part III., 1841.*

  • Although catalogued, the sale by auction of the

third part of Bishop Butler's library did not take place ; there is no copy of the catalogue in Messrs. Christie's series. A foot-note to a copy of the Butler library sale catalogue, sold at Puttick's on July 10, 1863, lot 236, states, " The third part was

Byron, Lord, 1827, July 6, 7, 9. E.

Byron and Siddons, Mrs., letters of, &c., 1866,

April 13-14. S. Byron, Lord (unpublished translations), &c., 1845,

Jan. 31. P.


47, Lansdowne Gardens, S.W.

(To be continued.)

THE "BLOOD OF HAILES." (Concluded from p. 352.)

THROUGH an oversight in my last commu- nication, I find I have miscalled Florenz V., Count of Holland, the Count of Flanders. Of course he was nothing of the kind, though his domains were immediately con- tiguous to those of the Count of Flanders, and his wife was the daughter of that neigh- bour ; so that the suggestion of his perhaps parting with his precious relic to Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, on account of there being already a similar relic at Bruges, would have been of no value had it been urged ever so strongly.

But the motive, probably political, for his parting with the relic is, after all, of little consequence. Two - and - twenty years (1247) previously, Robert, Bishop of Nantes, Patriarch of Jerusalem, and the Grand Master of the Temple, had for- warded to Henry III. of England a similar relic of the holy Blood from Jerusalem. How the king received i't, carried it in state to Westminster on the feast of St. Edward, and obtained for all who came to worship it there an indulgence of six years and one hundred and forty days, may be read in the pleasant pages of Matthew Paris and Matthew of Westminster. The tradition that has reached us regarding the " Blood of Hailes " runs to the effect that, after like manner with the Westminster relic, it had come into Europe authenticated with the guarantee of urban IV., who had been Patriarch of Jerusalem, and, in fact, had succeeded the aforesaid Robert, Bishop of Nantes, in that important dignity. The vesica- shaped seal of Hailes Abbey in the British Museum displays the figure of a non- mitred monk standing upon three steps (?), supporting in his right hand a flask sur- mounted by a cross, and in his left another relic (?) shapen like a short staff, which may have enclosed a fragment of the true cross, of which Hailes likewise came to be in possession. He is surrounded by a scroll design having nine conventional roses,

never published, the early printed books having been purchased by Messrs. Payne & FOBS and the MSS. by the British Museum."