Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 5.djvu/546

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Notes and Queries, July 28, 1900.

Bootbby (" Prince "), his biography, 127, 236 Borough -English succession, custom of, 376, 501 Bostock (R. C.) on Mayfair marriages, 257 Boswell- Stone (W. G.) on eighteenth-century adver- tisement competition, 105

Lisle (Warren), of Up way, Dorset, 188

Whiskers, 197

BoswelFs * Johnson,' abridgment in Russ, 66 Botoner (John), of Coventry, 1381, 269, 402 " Bottle," the, St. Paul's Churchyard, print publishing

house, 108

Boucher (C.) on Flemish weavers, 288 Boudicca or Boadicea, repulsed at Verulam, 14 Boughton Green, maze at, 445 Boundary stones in open fields, 297, 441 Bourke, third Viscount, his wife, 236 ' Box and Cox,' farce by J. M. Morton, 353 Box (John Wilkins), his biography, 476 Boxers, the, Chinese secret society, 512 Boxing Day, its meaning and origin, 10 Box-irons, their early use, 104, 173, 320 Boy try, use of the word, 26 Bozier's Court, Tottenham Court Road, 185 Brad brook (W.) on installation of a midwife, 475

Ronjat, the king's serjeant-surgeon, 475 Bradley (H.) on Griggs and Gregorians, 127

Grimgibber : Grimgribber, 127

Braikenridge, English mathematician, biography, 435 Branch=pilot's certificate, 436 Braose family, 355, 499 Bread and Cheese Club, 337 Breslar (M. L. R.) on amphigouris, 248

Azazel, its interpretation, 511

Cavendish (Henry), chemist, 4

Cumberland (Richard), his 'Jew,' 416

Fur dyeing, 336

Genius and large families, 433 Brewers' " entire," 100, 175 Bridge, card game, derivation of the word, 12 Brightwell Church, inscriptions in, 168, 275 Briscoe (J. P.) on rubbing the eyes with gold, 213 Britain as "Queen of Isles" and " Empress of the

Main," 369

Britain, the Saxon shore of, 433 Broke, Adam, his biography, 355 Brodrick (Admiral), escape from burning ship, 315. 424 Bromby (E. H.) on Roman numerals, 366 Bronte (Charlotte) and Manchester, 449 Brook's Market, its locality, 368 Brookes (Dr. William) and the Wenlock Olympian

games, 513

Brooks (Thomas), his biography and works, 54 "Brotherhood of Fools," accounts of the, 95 Brothers Mayor and Town Clerk at same time, 8, 176 Brown (A. R.) on R. L. Stevenson, 336 Brown (J. R.) on Corney House, Chiswick, 138

Danish Church, Wellclose Square, 492 Browne (G. A.) on old church at Canterbury, 26 Browning (Robert), passage in ' Luria,' 55 ; intended emendation in his ' Parleyings with Christopher Smart,' 124 ; and Seneca, 167 ; first edition of his ' Paracelsus,' 188 ; " Hoti " in, 494 Bruce (King Robert), relic of, 85 Brushfield (T. N.) on artists' mistakes, 33

Ralegh (Sir W.), engraved portraits of, 68

Wooden horse, military punishment, 253

Bryce (Thomas), his riming ' Register,' 357

Bucth, Gaelic name, 316, 402

Bulgaria, its poetry and language, 106

Buller (Edward and Henry), their biographies, 208

Bulloch (J. M.) on Jacobite societies, 217

Marylebone Churchyard, 8

Wisdom family, 230 Bullock (C. J.) on witchelt = ill shod, 9 Bully, football and hockey term, 9 Bummel, derivation and meaning, 436, 524 Buns, hot-cross, 334, 421 Burdett (Robert), his biography, 267 Burgh (Hubert de), his arrest, 249 Burnet manuscripts, 314 Burton, bottled ale of, 67, 174 Busts made by Alcock of Cobridge, 127 Butler (J. D.) on barnyard for farmyard, 343

Green fairies : Woolpit green children, 422 Butt, the counterfoil of a cheque, 336, 443 Buttons, counting another's, origin of the custom, 49$ Byng of Wrotham, Middlesex, 208, 295 Byng (Admiral), his portrait, 187 Byre, its meaning, 6, 277, 361 C. on 'Dr. Johnson as a Grecian,' 213

Epitaph in Tenterden Church, 332

" I '11 hang my harp on a willow tree," 484

Inscriptions in Brightwell Church, 168

Taltarum surname, 131 C. (A.) on Dunbar = Ogilvy, 69 C. (A. B.) on " As busy as Throp's wife," 414 C. (D. F.) on Les Detenus, 97

' Eugenie. Empress of the French,' 108

Madras, Governor-General of, 107

' Punch ' weekly dinner, 526 C. (E. A.) on Muggletonian writings, 485 C. (E. H.) on Vice-Admiral, 384 C. (F. W.) on coincidence in names, 104 C. (G. E.) on Sir Michael Cromie, 136 C. (H.) on Garway family, 169

Savoy, English travellers in, 58 C. (H. C.) on Colly, its meaning, 208 0. (J.) on haft : By the haft, 92

Stone sedilia in mediaeval churches, 457 C. (J. H.) on haft : By the haft, 38 C. (N.) on Jacobite societies, 169 C. (R. 8.) on "Devil walking through Athlone," 336 C. (T. W.) on armorial, 355 C. (W. A.) on an end = continually, 65 C. (W. W.) on depreciation of coinage, 87 Cadwallader (Mrs.), her appearance at Drury Lane in

'The Author,' 495 Cake ink, earliest quotation of, 475 Caldecott (W. S.) on pastophoria, its meaning, 415 Calendar, proposed alteration in the Russian, 265 California, fruit-growing in, 40 Campbell (Colin), his biography, 476 Campbell (G. W.) on Biblical quotations, 484

Counting another's buttons, 496 Campbell (T.) and Keats, 86, 157 ; and Virgil, 164 Camplin family, 396

Candidate for Parliament, a voteless, 413 Cansick (F. T.) on sale of church property, 395 Canterbury, church older than St. Martin's at, 26, 94 V

178, 319

Canton (W.) on " Bernardus non vidit omnia," 441 Cape Town in 1844, 526