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OTE" AND QUERIE : 2; illehlnm of QIIISIIBUIIIIIIIIIEHKIUII LITERARY MEN, GENERAL READERS, ETC “ when round, nuke e note of."-Cuvrun CU‘I.'l'l.’|l» No. 142. |:§§‘§_] SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1900. {,,§,'§‘,,‘1f,§°,}’,‘}_'j,"_;__‘j,f;_ L0.NDON LIBRARY, ST. |AlllS’B BQUABI. S.W. Para!-H.R.H. THB PRINCE OP WALES, KD. Prsodml-LBNLIB STEPHEN, lsq. Yin-Pnniinu-The Rlghr Bon. A. J. Belfour, ILP., the Rlgzhz Rav. un Lord Blnloeuniilsnédun. Herbert spencer, Req., the Bi|ht Hon W.l.H.l4sehy .. . .L. flranmn-lurhs Han. slr ll. Grsnt Dnl, Bight Hon. Lord Avebury, l.B.B., Binh: Hon. lsrl ol Rosfhery. The Llhnry eonlslns shout 89.000 Volumes of Ancient snd llodnru Lltorssure, ln Various Innluegns. 8userIpt1on,II syssr; Ute l|embershlp_ seoordln| zone. Fllteen Volumes sre Allowed tn Gonnrry, end Ten to Town lbmben Rsdlg~ Room open from Ten dll hslt-pin Tx. glxelogue. Plhh Damon. . I II II t 1vols.rovs vo price a g o rm OF. C. T. HAGBIRG WRlGH'l`,LL.D.,S0¢fltnry Ind Llbrllllll. PE RTIFICATES of BIRTHS. MARRIAGES. and DEATHS, COPIES ‘of WILLS, tc . ohlsnlned. Pedlgreel ¥l"l&d. Armorixl RQHDQI exnmlned und com red wlth the Ollelsl Records. Herxldle Qoerlee snewend.-L, CULIENN, Genenlozlst. W, Pleu- dllly, London. Prospeetue poet tree. f`IULLET0N’S ENGRAVING OFFICE. 92, Picca- dllly, London. for the Anime Prodnntlon ol Hereldle Pslnring. QIHYI . le. Book~ Ines. Beds, lllee, Llvery Buttons. Hsrnees Creole. :Ever kd s, gledsl Dies, Crested Noteqasrer, Iuvltstion, xgsdlhgf, sud Villas; (xrdl, Mnmorlll hblete. lc. llustrsted Prloe BOOKS.-A LL 0UT-OF- PRINT BOOKS sup- plied, no msxxer on whst Subject. Aeknuwledged the world over ll lb- most expert ll -nlrllsders umnt. Plessv were wants.-EIAKBBKB 9|-est Bookshop, 14-IG, John Bl'||l$ Street, Blrmluhnm. STICKPHAST PASTE is HEAPS better than .....°--......'°'.=a=.:.'1:= ':.~°'~:°--1°;:"-r.“:.»:x°- ..“..=:,‘:‘,.....'~'*=° , ll I . ll W lor n esnarle BortIe.(lneludln‘;’&1rnnh. Fwtery. 'guru' Los! Court, Btnet, 5.0. 01 sll Bunouers. Stlekphsst Pate stlnks. SCHWEPPES MINERAL WATERS are ALWAYS the STANDARD of COMPARISON. Schweppessoda; rumen WATERH (Soda, semer, mm, Lithia, Lemonade, Tonic-Water, Ginger Beer,D Gin gr , TY 8 A 19, kc., arc.) have been celebrated for over a cenuu ry. They have always had the patronage of Royalxy, and continue to be supplied to the Queen. ENGLISH NATURAL TABLE WATER:- SCHWEPPES SPARKLING MALVERN, In SPLITS, PINTS, and QUARTS. SCHWEPPES, urn., LONDON. MALVERN, QLAIGOW, LIVIBPOOL, BBIITOL, SYDNEY end IILBOUBIIB. Seeona ldluen, prlee Ponrpenee BRIEF LESSONS in ASTRONOMY. By W. 1'. LYNN. BA P.B.A.B. "Couveys s nes: duel of lnlermnuon without belnn In my vsy dry or techuxesl."-Kentish Insure 0. STDNZMAN, 80. Wurwlnh lllll, 8.0. New Bdltlon, prlee Two sunmp. ELESTIAL MOTIONS: a Handy Book of C Anmnomy. Nlnth lumen Wlth I Plates. By W. '|'. LYNN, ILA. F.B.A.S. " Hn. we ere glee tn see. reached s ulnsh settles, whlen EIIIDIQ thls excellent Introduction to the lsets at ssrrouomy to be brouqhl up wdwe "-Guardian. EDWARD STAN FORD. Hlld I7, Oonllpu Street, Chlrlll Orvis. B.W.` Fifth ldltlon, lcep uve. elolh. prlee Sixpence REMARKABLE ECLIPSES: a Sketch of the most lnurestlnl 0l'0llIll|¢ll§ connected with the Obesrvstlon oflolsr end Lunsr lellpeesmotn ln Anelens me lodern1‘irnes. By W. T LYNN. B A. P.B.A 5, Landon z I. STAN POBD. Slisnd 27. Ooekepur Street. Uhsnng Gross. 8.1! . Eighth Bdltlon, prlee Sixpence, cloth, EMARKABLE COMETS : a Brief Survey of the R/moitlnterestln Psctel thlillo ICO tlryA|tr0 . By W. T. LYNN, B.A.5.’.B.A.S.n G ' ry 0 me nom’ BDWARD STANFGBD, 2Bsucl 21, Coelnpur Street,Chsrlng Cross, B.W. l®§:§|ll A THENEU M PRESS.-JOHN EDWARD mums, Printer of me .4w»¢»»», Nam end aww. u.. ls prepare: so sunurr xsrrunss rm- m ma. or noon. News, m I;Eg.IODICAL rxsmrxuo.-la, Bresm’| nuuamn. cmmmry av THE AUTI:IOR'S HAIRLESS PAPER-PAD. (The LIADINBALL FBBBB. Ltd., Publlshell md Pflllkfl, 50, Leedenhsll Stress. Loudon, lc.; Conhlne hulrllnl llvir. over which the pen slioe with pervert lreodom Fllxpence eeeh. ba. nor noun. ruled or pllln. New Poeknt Blln. Ba. per dosen, ruled or plsln. Authors should nose that The Lendennull Press, IM., cannot be reeponnlble lor the lol ol ISS by lre or otnnrwlne. Dspllmh copies should be fuelled W M. & G EO. LAW. corFEE_sUG.nz_'r1:.l 104, NEW UXFORD STREET, W.0.