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NOTES AND QUERIES. p* s. VL OCT. is, 1900. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. KING ALFRED'S OLD ENGLISH VERSION of BOETHIUS, De Consolatione Phllosophlne. Edited from the MSS., with Introduction, Critical Notes, and Glossary. By WAI.TBK JOHN SBDGKFIBLD, M.A Melb. B.A.Cantab. Grown Sro. price KM. M. KING ALFRED'S VERSION of the CONSOLATIONS of BOETHIUS. Done Into Modern Bnglish, with an Introduction. By the same Editor. Bxtra fcap. 8vo. price 4*. M. IfOTBS and QUBRIKS.—" Dr. Sedgefield's talk has been admirably accompliibed, the prose portion being rendered word for word, so at to preserve the directneu and vigour of th« original, wblle the rendering of the original verse retains, while following closely the text, much spirit and an agreeably archaic ring. Tbe book U Indeed well executed In all rt-sjiecU, and can be read with more contentment and delight than auy modern version of Boethiua wltb which we are acquainted." TWO of the SAXON CHRONICLES PARALLEL; with Supplementary BxtracU from the others. A Revised Text. Edited, witb Introduction, Notes, Appendices and Glossary, by C PLUMMBH, MA, and J. EABLE, M.A. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. half-roan. Vol. I. Text, Appendices, and Glossary, price lOi. W. Vol. II. Introduction, Note*, and Index, price izv. td. A BOOK for the BEGINNER in ANGLO-SAXON. By John Earle, MA. Third Edition. Bxtra fcap. 8vo. price 3». M. An ANGLO-SAXON DICTIONARY, based on the MS. Collections of the late JOSEPH BO8WORTH, D.D. Edited and Enlarged by Prof. T. H. TOLLER, M.A. Purls I.-III. price l.v. each. Fart IV. Sect. I. price 8>. M. Part IV. Sect. II. price 18«. M. By HENRY SWEET, M.A. The STUDENT'S DICTIONARY of ANGLO-SAXON. By Henry Sweet, M.A. Small 4to. price 8j. M. net. FIRST STEPS in ANGLO-SAXON. Extra fcap. 8vo. price 2s. 6d. An ANGLO-SAXON PRIMER, with Grammar, Notes, and Glossary. Biffhth Bdition. Kxtrn fcap. 8vo. price '.'.s. »«/. An ANGLO-SAXON READER. In Prose and Verse. With Grammatical Introduction, Notes, and Glowary. Seventh Bdltlon, Bevlsed and Enlarged. Crown 8vo. price 9». tot. A SECOND ANGLO-SAXON READER. Extra fcap. 8vo. price 4s. 6d. A NEW ENGLISH DICTIONARY, on Historical Principles: founded mainly on the Materials collected by the Philological Society. Imperial u... Bdited by J. A. H. MURRAY, 1,1,1),. and HENRY BRADLBY, M.A. / JUST PUBLISHED. INPUT-INVALID. (Double Section.) Prepared by Dr. MURRAY. Price 5*. BBI3SUB in MONTHLY NUMBBBS, each consisting of 88 pages in Wrapper, price 3t. ed. No. 16. CAPABLENBSf CATCH. I HISTORICAL ATLAS of MODERN EUROPE, from the Decline of ll Unman Empire. Comprising also Maps of Parts of Asia and of the New World connected with Buropean Hi;56, Bdited by R. L. POOLE, M.A. Pb.D. Imperial 4to. Part* I.-XXVII. To be completed in about Thirty each 3s. 6rf. net. COMPLETE CATALOGUE POST FREE ON APPLICATION, .^d to .vertise- London: HBNKY FROWDE, Oxford University Press Warehouse, Amen Corner, '. ivint, 4 Dj JOHN HOWARD FRANCIS. Athancnm Press. Bream's Hnlldlnn. Ch«nOTrT Lane. B.C ; »nd Publish^'8 ™* return JOHN u FKAKCI* u Hrwm's Baildmn, Cbuu»rr l«i«. E.O.—OMnrdat. Octofer U, 1900. , We do not • exception.