Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/635

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Rotes and Queries, Jan. 26, 1901. 529 INDEX. Courts Baron, 230 Cowan (W.) on psalm tunes, 9 Cowper (W.), Southey on, 88 ; ' The Roae,' 190 Coyne (Stirling), his ' All for Love ; or, the Lost Pleiad,' 49, 274, 333 Crack-nut Sunday, 348, 434 ' Oranford' or John Bright, 445 Crashaw (Eichard), ob. 1631, his monument, 64, 237 Creak, oldest example of its modern use aa a verb, 105, 217, 298 CresHwell (E.) on English Ambassador and Napoleon, 229 "Perfide Albion," 229 Cresswell (L.) on Arnold of Rugby, 512 " Mading tub," 515 Mithered, its meaning, 510 Moggy, its meaning, 509 Cricket, early lines on, 506 Criticize, earliest quotation for the word, 208, 455 Croes Enydd : Cross Neytz : Cross Gneyth, 150 Cromwell (Sir Oliver), his sons and daughters, 153 Crooke (W.) on A gam, its meaning, 215 Carambolage, its derivation, 368 Charnock (Job), founder of Calcutta, 389 Doolys, ferocious, 230 Jocole, its meaning, 370 Lauderdale on the Government of India, 210 Miiller (Max) and Westminster Abbey, 495 Crosby (John Montague), his biography, 189 Cross, making the sign of the, 249, 375; near Wycoller Hall, 312 Cross (Sir Gabriel) and Sir Arthur Brooke, 490 Crouch (C. H.) on blessing of the throats, 197 Capel family, 234 Carrington (William), watchmaker, 227 Crasbaw (Richard), 237 Haynes (Governor), his grandfather, 515 Order of Avis, 216 Felling, the flying man, 435 Sanderson (Bishop), bis descendants, 189 Sanderson family of Bishop Wilton, 450 Crow (M. G.) on source of quotation, 229 Crowdy-mutton, meanings of, 37, 70 Croydon, Archbishop Whitgift's Hospital, 127, 841, 383, 402, 423, 513 CruciBxion, date of the, 305, 412 Cruden (A.), his 'Concordance,' 429 Cryptography, works on, 48, 153 Culloden, soldier ancestors at the battle of, 30, 132 Culpeper (William), his family, 368. 438 Cnpples (J. G.) on Capel family, 372 Curioso on armorial grantees, 269 Curry (J, T,) on inundate, its pronunciation, 192 .Inn-nil (Ben), unclaimed poem by, 430 Latin quotation, 70 Scott (Sir Walter) and Waverley Abbey, 247 Curtis (J.) on Frensham cauldron, 329 Independent Company of Invalids, 429 Parrot in ' Hudibras,' 474 Curwen (A. F.) on Brigham town and family, 94 Camden ancestry, 430 Easter Magiant, 508 Flag, the British, 519 ' Masterman Ready,' 518 Pressgang songs, 96 Quotation from Carlyle, 376 Curwen (A. F.) on lines wanted, 106 Wickliffe (John), lineal descendant of, 33 Cutlers' poetry, posies, and mottoes, 106, 235 Cyclometer mentioned in Evelyn's ' Diary,' 88, 217 Cyclops on history of war despatches, 107 Cyril on ' Hamlet' ameliorated, 369 D. on armour in portraits, 414 Ely Place, Holborn, 311 Little London, 385 Marble Arch, the, 453 Watch-chain ornament, 436 D. (C.) on Somner Merryweather, 76 Molle (John and H.), 63 D. (C. C.) on Lally Tollendal, 429 D. (C. L.) on looking-glass folk-lore, 131 D. (E. F. S.) on king and punter, 337 D. (R.) on Frederick Gilbert, artist, 49 D. (W. H.) on Hunter Street, Brunswick Square, 378 Dance, egg, description of, 404 Dance music, " Go to the Devil and shake your- self," 469 Danteiana, 65 Danziger (A.) on irony, its meaning, 137 D'Aroy (John), his biography, 87 D'Arcy (S. A.) on goat in folk-lore, 132 " Dark ages," earliest use of the term, 406 Darlington (0. H.) on Bill : William Bill, 456 Losses in the American Civil War, 436 Darrand and Arrand surnames, their derivation, 449 Dartiquenave (Charles Peter), his parentage, 269 Data as a singular noun, 208, 295 Date A.U.C., latest instance of, 329 Davenant (Charles), second part of essays, 267, 433 Davey (H.) on ' The Lost Pleiad,' 333 David (W. H.) on penseroso, 485 Davis (Alexander), ob. 1665, inscription on his tomb- stone, 342 Davis (M. D.) on Isaac of Norwich, 8 Muriel, its derivation, 32 Davison, co. Cumberland, pedigree of, 428 Davy (A. J.) on crowdy-mutton, 37 Friday superstition, 454 Dawes (C. R.) on John Dawes, 87 Dumas and ' The Son of Porthos,' 69 Dawes (Sir John), Bart. 1663, his biography, 87, 190 De Bathe and Holsworthy families, 269 De Moro (Duke) on Guevara family, 375 De Quinoey.and Grotius's defence of Christianity, 401J and the story of ' Aladdin,' 487 Debosco (C.) on chain-mail reintroduced into the British army, 488 Dedication of author to himself, 176, 254 Deedes (C.) on criticize, 208 Cutting babies' nails, 93 English almanacs of the seventeenth century, 386 Defoe (Daniel), picture of, in the pillory, his financial difficulties, 156, 219, 270, 337 Delagoa and Algoa, meaning of the names, 16, 479 Dering (Charles), his biography, 67 Desanges (Francis George March), his biography, 87 Desight, use of the word, 507 Devassalage, use of the word, 208 Devon kersey, a treble-milled cloth, 187 Dew, butter-like, showers of, 129 Dey (E. M.) on ' Essence of Malone,' 488