Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 6.djvu/647

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g Notes and Queries,Jan. 26, 1901. I N D E X. Page (J. T.) on the ‘ D.N.B.,' 466 Dockwray family, 373 Epitaph at Banbury, 14 Gilbert (George), his biography, 377 “ Half Moon ” Tavern : “ '1`he Maypole,” 356 Johnson (Samuel), his father and Elizabeth Blaney, 93 - Julius Cmsar, 474 Ladybird, Suffolk name for, 255 Locomotive and gas, 358 Margaret of Bavaria, 454 Margery, 455 Mithered, its etymology, 510 Miiller (Max) and We:-tminster Abbey, 446 Nesquaw, dialect expression, 37 “ Paddle your own canoe,” 450 Peyto, Petto, Peito, or Peto family, 395' Pidcock and Polito, 517 St. Marylebone Church, 432 Shepherds` ring, a, 437 Shot~free, 417 Stone sedilia in mediaeval churches, Tennyson, meaning of lines by, 31 Tithe-barns, mediaeval, 397 Usk Castle, 489 Paget (Hon. Henry), his family, 8, 332 Pagination of books, 147, 258, 373, 411 Pairing in the House of Commons, 390, 454 Palamedes on dude, its pronunciation, 450 English parsimony and cat, 206 Frabbed, its meaning, 470 Gender of “Church,” 350 Inscription in Mull, 393 Sardinia, ancient towers in, 378 “ The mading tub,” 408 114 Palatinate, wars of the, and ‘The Fighting Veres,’ 28, 256 Pall-mall and golf, accounts of the games, 444 Palmer : to palmer, its etymology, 470 Palmer IJ. F.) on Suffolk name for ladybird, 255 “ None but the brave deserve(s) the fair,” 368 Ronjat, the King’s serjeant-surgeon, 37 Shakespeare and Cicero, 316 Panentheism, inventor of the term, 450 Pannard, French poet, and Thackeray, 149 Paper, loaded, 386 Paradise, a, technical term, 207, 277 Parallel passagei, 466 Parchment and vellum, early prices of, 328, 456 Paris and London, routes between, in 1843, 406 Parker (F. H. M.) on Henry of Wichenton, 469 Parliament, the Rump, origin of the word, 309; petition to, 47 0 Parrot in ‘ Hudibras,’ 266, 373, 473 Parsimony, English, and the cat, 206 Partridge (C.), Jun., on Capt. James Waller Hewitt, his biography, 392 “ Roger’s blast,” 508 Visitation of Suffolk in 1664, 509 Passion play at Ober-Ammergau, 241, 358 Passy or Passey family, their arms, 429 Pastophcrium=priests’ chambers of the Temple in the Septuagint, 13, 153 Paterson ( A.) on counting another’s buttons, 273 Patterson (W. H.) on the Rev. Mr. Aaron, 128 Bonaparte ballad, 349 Patterson (W. H.) on “ Castri Montisemi,” 348 St. Amelia’s leaf, 250 Trevillian (M. Cealy), artist, 448 Pawky=cunning, its derivation, 409, 498 Payen-Payne (De V.) on references wanted, 67 Payne (W.) on boundary stones in open fields, 10 Suppression of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, 205 Paynter and Myllett : two church brasses, 467 Peachey (G. C.) on Greenfield, author, 209 Locard and the heart of Robert Bruce, 186 Midwife, installation of a, 177, 438 Pitches (Sir A. ), 117 Ronjat, the king’s seijeanffsurgeon, 137, 236 Peacock (E.) on infectious disease among cattle, 16 Folk-medicine, 306 Hornbooks, 126 Midwife, installation of a, 9 Lobster, a nickname for soldier, 516 Trental of masses, 196, 295 Peacock (J .) on Borough-English, 117 Pearce (E. T.) on Thirkell family, 308 Pearson (John) in Burnet’s ‘ History of my own Time,’ 446, 519 Peat or muck, use of the word in America, 104 Pecchio (Count Giuseppe), author, 308, 395 Peddie (R. A.) on John Milton, 169 Pedigree research, 8, 174 Pedigrees, Lincolnshire family, 307 Pediment, origin of the word, 7, 95 Peet (W. H.) on quotation from Carlyle, 288 Marble Arch, the, 494 Trume-hunting pigs, 195 ‘ Pélléas et Mélisande,' by M. Maeterlinck, 8 Pelling, the flying man, 269, 435 Penney (N.) on author wanted, 428 Valton family, 313 Penny (F.) on Rev. Mr. Aaron, 274 Midwife, installation of a, 336 Millard family, 352 Penny, first issue of, 430 Penseroso, its spelling, 485 Pepys (Samuel), supposed date of his marriage, 447 Perch, a standard of measurement, 406 Percival (S.) on Thomas Campbell and Thomas John- son, 388 Peridot, perited, or pilidodzchrysolite, 348, 414 Perplexed on Jewish calendar, 127 “ Petites," little children, teacher of, a.D. 1553, 206 Petition against the use of hops, 12 Petition to Parliament, 470 Petty (S. L.) on Japanese Silk-lore, 468 Martineau (Miss), her ‘Guide to the Lakes,’ 489 Twyford yew tree, 154, 877 Pewter plate, French, 347 Peyto family of Warwickshire, 290, 395 Phaire (Col. Robert), Governor of Cork, 1651, his estates, 36l, 457 Phillimore (W. P. W.) on treble Christian names, 49 Phillips (W.) on Shrewsbury records, 393 Philology and ethnology, 30 Philoscriblerius, his identity, 490 Phonological statistics, 368 Phonology, comparative, and ethnic characters, 209 Phrases, origin of current, 486 Phutatorius and Gastripheres, 48, 138 1