Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/157

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9*8. VII. FEB. 23, 1901.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


mistake not) published ' Dramatic Romances in which the ' Pied Piper ' appeared, in 1845 It would be interesting to know whether h was at all indebted for his motif to the book named. I do not remember to have seen i stated whence he derived the idea, and thi resemblance in the details of both prose anc lyrical narrative is somewhat striking.

H. B. W.

['The Pied Piper of Hamelin' appeared in * Dra matic Lyrics,' published in 1842, three years before ' Dramatic Romances.' Mr. Arthur Symons, in his 'Introduction to the Study of Browning' (1886) says with reference to the 'Pied Piper': "Mr Browning's authority for the story which is tolc in many quarters was North Wanley's ' Wonders of the Little World,' 1678, and the books there cited."]

QUESTING BEAST. What is the "questing beast " mentioned in Malory ? STUDENT.

MAY- WATER. This is rain which has fallen in May, and, if caught in a clean vessel and bottled, it is an infallible remedy for sore eyes in man or beast. Such at least is the belief of our keeper, a Welshman. Is the notion a general one, or is it confined to Wales'? JEANNIE S. POPHAM.

Plas Maenan, Llanrwst, North Wales.

JOHN PARR, MAYOR, 1773. With what city or town was the above connected ? I posses his copy of Tate and Brady's * New Version of the Psalms of David,' published in 1771, with his name, office, and the year stamped on the top side. He gave it to his daughter Mary on New Year's Day, 1779. J. P. B.


" FoUR-AND-FlVE."-

Nay, ask me not about the Four-and-Five, Is it not strange enough to be alive ? I am so busied with that daring thought, How should 1 care about the Four-and-Five?

This passage occurs in R. Le Gallienne's

  • Original Paraphrase of the Rubaiyat of

Omar Khayyam.' Can any one explain what is meant by "the Four-and-Five'"? Is it perhaps an allusion to some rule laid down in the Koran ? L. & M.

[We cannot vouch for Mr. Le Gallienne's origin- ality or his Oriental knowledge. We imagine, however, the reference to be to the four elements and five senses, as usual in Persian poets. The phrase will be found in Mr. Whinfield's 'Omar,' though not, we think, in FitzGerald's.]

VISITING TICKETS. I have recently come across an old bookseller's label which I think is worthy of notice. It is headed " Hookham's Circulating Library," opposite Stafford Street, Old Bond Street, and advertises "Visiting Tickets, Compliment Cards, Book Plates, &c.,

neatly engraved and printed." It would be interesting to know the date when "visiting tickets " (by which I conclude are meant the present-day " cards ") came into general use, and something of their history. Was the term " ticket " in general use in the past, or is it the unique expression of Mr. Hookham ?

P. C. D. M.


[See, under ' Visiting Cards,' 8 th S. iv. 486 ; vi 67, 116, 196, 272, 332; viii. 158; ix. 172, 475 ; x. 243.]

COCKADE OF HOUSE OF SAXONY. Can any of the readers of ' N. &, Q.' tell me the colour of the cockade of the house of Saxony ?


CHISEL MARKS. Can any readers of 'N. & Q.' inform me where there can be found any dis- sertation on or description of the tool or chisel marks on worked stones of our ancient ecclesiastical buildings peculiar to the various periods? W. H. L.

[For numerous articles on masons' marks see 8 th S. vii. 208, 334, 416; viii. 18, 91, 198.]

" SARSON STONES " The stones composing Stonehenge are known locally as Sarson stones. What is a Sarson stone ? A friend who is acquainted with the neighbourhood of Salis- bury Plain informs me that "Sarson stone" is used in that locality to describe stones deposited by glacial action, and suggests that the name is a corruption of Saracen, Sarrazin, or foreign that is to say, not native. I am not satisfied with this explanation, and should be glad to be further enlightened on the subject. JOHN HEBB.

[Large boulder stones are called Sarsens in Wilts. See Halliwell, and also 7 th S. iv. 206, 316.]

VERSES ON THE DEATH OF QUEEN VICTORIA. Will any reader who has written poems on the above kindly send me copies for insertion in my " In Memoriam " volume 1 He will by so doing greatly oblige


Hanover Square, Bradford.

BATTLE OF SEETABULDEE. A set of prints of the battle of Seetabuldee, India, was pub-

ished by Edward Orme, of Bond Street, London, date 29 January, 1822. How many are in the set ? Where can a set be seen or

btained 1 ARTHUR L. COOPER.


"RouEN " AND "SUCCEDANEUM." In Arthur Young's 'Farmer's Calendar,' new edition, 1804, here is the following sentence on p. 97: " Upon inclosed farms, where the reserve ofrouen nay be supposed to be much greater than is gener- lly possible on flock-farms, the sheep, as they drop