Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/336

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Gnstal (Yorks), Dorsley, Fisthm', Saiitfans (Yorks), Gisborne( Yorks), Langton, Motheley, Mews, Neushed of Newsted, Newynton, Saint Usies (Essex), Regali Loco, Redington, Rey- mans, beistwolde, Suthwyke, Sutham, Thowey (Lambs), Saint Thomas of Pounford, Thim- mothe Thaderhyl, Twierdrage, Wandeley. Vawnall, Worshop (? Worksop). Can I find any particulars of them, or old prints of them or any of them, at the British Museum ?

JOHN A. RANDOLPH. 128, Alexandra Road, Wimbledon.

[Consult Dr. W. Beattie's Castles and Abbeys of England,' Dugdale's ' Monasticon,' William and Mary Hewitt's 'Ruined Abbeys and Castles of J* Britain' (all three illustrated), and Timbs's and Wai' > astles ' and Ancien t Halls of England

"I SIT ON A ROCK." Can any of the numerous readers of ' N. & Q.' give the solu- tion of the following ancient riddle, or state m what book it can be found 1 Who was the real composer ?

I sit on a rock whilst I 'm raising the wind, .But, the storm once abated, I 'm gentle and kind ; 1 ve kings at my feet who await but my nod lo kneel m the dust on the ground I have trod. 1 hougn seen to the world, I am known but to few : Ihe Gentile detests me, I 'm pork to the Jew ; Aj ve , r have P as . sed but one night in the dark, And that was with Noah alone in the ark. My weight is three pounds, my length is a mile, And when I m discovered you'll say with a smile lhat my hrst and my last are the best of our isle. All the information I have been able to obtain regarding it is as follows :


"Forty years ago I came across a volume of poetical pieces published by subscription. author s name I forget. Amongst the smaller pieces at the end of the book was the riddle of which the

The ieces h the

TiJi '-D-, , . It was called 'The

isiiop s Kiddle, and appended was a note stating that the bishop-I forget his title-had offered a prize for the best solution. The riddle was said to be then old and the solution lost. After the riddle came the author's solution in the same rhyming style ; and after it a letter from the bishop com- w e u A" 8 lfc as most in g en ious and well considered. Whether or not it gained the prize I cannot say. All 1 remember now is the first line,

In a rock-built church I, the Gospel, do sit.

Clue niay

G. STEWART SINTON. Kingussie, N.B.

- f . ve at 9U> S- v. 332 his versified ( ?f u ^on of tins riddle. .See also 1* S. ii. 10, 77;

ll, t jOOj O^U. J

'To MARGARET W - .' (See 9 th S. vi. 309.) May I ask again, since I am most desirous ot the information, who was this Margaret to whom Charles Lamb addressed his last stanzas ? MEGAN.

DURATION OF LIFE IN SEEDS. (See ante, p. 129.) I should be glad to learn whether the extraordinary vitality of ox-eye, wheat, and thistle seeds is shared by the seeds of the small daisy, Bellis perennis. MEGAN.


asked by a lady friend in California to find out, if possible, what poem inspired Sir Noel Paton to paint 'The Pursuit of Pleasure.' I have made inquiry in every way I could think of, and finally appeal to you.


4, Collingwood Villas, Stoke, Devonport.

[There seems no cause to believe the picture inspired by a poem or by anything but the observa- tion that all classes unite in the mad pursuit of pleasure.]

MRS. CHARLES ARBUTHNOT. Who was Mrs. Charles Arbuthnot, wife of the Right Hon. Charles Arbuthnot, the Duke of Wellington's friend, before she was married 1 STUDENT.

[The first Mrs. Arbuthnot was a daughter of William Clapcott Lisle and a granddaughter of the Marquess of Cholmondeley. The second was Harriet, third daughter of the Hon. Henry Fane.

See ante, pp. 231, 298.]

BYRON'S POEM ON GREECE. Can any reader of ' N. & Q.' supply me with the lines written by a lady in reply to Byron's poem on Greece? They begin thus :

Knowest thou the land where the hardy green


The bright blooming heath, and the hairbell abound ?

W. F. L.

Box FAMILY OF YORKSHIRE. Can any of the readers of 'N. & Q.' give information as to the immediate descendants of John Box (or Boox) and Alice his wife, of Pontefract, and also of the parish of St. Alphege-within- Cripplegate, who died after 1400? He was the son of John Box, member of Parliament for Pontefract in 1337. I also want the Christian name of and further information

respecting Box, the father of Thomas,

James (rector of Barnborough, near Doncaster, 1541-59), Ezabell (whose will is extant), and Jenett, wife of Hughe Bell all of Barn- borough. He was born probably about 1450, and died before 1530. Any information will be received with thanks. JOSEPH Box.

Avenue Lodge, Ealing, W.

PETER LEICESTER. I shall be very much obliged if any reader can help me to definite information about the birthplace and parent- age of Peter Leicester, of Halton, Cheshire, who was buried at Newton in 1776, aged seventy-seven. He is believed to have been a son or grandson of Thomas, third son of