Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/35

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9* s. YII. JA*. 12, loci.] NOTES AND QUERIES.

supplied me by Mr. Francig Edwards, of Higl Street, Marylebone. I have had to pay close on six pounds, surely a record price. 1 un derstand that some of the other Indexes are scarcely less rare. The moral to be deduced is, Keep your General Indexes of * K & Q.'

H. T.

[The first five Indexes are all excessively rare and the Fifth is now as rare as the Third. A few copies of the Fourth may be had, price three guineas. The others can only be obtained by a happy chance.]

VOLUNTARY MUTILATIONS IN FRANCE. The magistrates of Moissac are engaged in in- vestigating cases of voluntary mutilation practised by a band of quacks and sharpers 111 the district of Quercy on young conscripts. By means of a bandage these quacks produced anchylosis of the toes, causing infirmities that necessitated the discharge of the young men, or at any rate their transfer to the auxiliary services. Each of these operations brought the operator a fee of from 1,000 to 1,500 francs.

J. L. H.

MOON LORE. The following was mentioned to me lately as an aid in recognizing whether the moon is on the "wax" or the "wane." It may be new to some of your readers. When the crescent appears placed as a C, it is crescendo, on the increase. When turned the opposite way, so as to form the loop of the D, it is on the Decrease.

WE must request correspondents desiring infor- mation on family matters of only private interest to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct.

KING'S PREACHER APPOINTED BY EDWARD VI. Is there any account of the king's preachers appointed by Edward VI. ? Is there a monograph on the subject ?


QUOTATION. Wanted reference to the following lines, said to be by Rochester : I hate all kings and the thrones they sit on, From the King of France to the Caliph of Britain.

W. CROOKE. Langton House, Charlton Kings.

SIR WILLIAM F. CARROLL. This distin- guished sailor (1784-1862) rose to be a Rear- Admiral, K.C.B , and Lieutenant-Governor of Greenwich Hospital. Whom did he marry 1 ? I should be much obliged to any

correspondent who would tell me her name, and anything more about her family that may be known. JULIAN MARSHALL.

LINES ON THE SKIN. Will any reader kindly tell me where a copy of the lines upon ' The Skin ' may be found 1 They begin, if I recollect rightly,

There 's a skin within and a skin without, The skin within is the skin without.

K K. R.

DATE WANTED. Kindly inform me what day in the present style of reckoning is the equivalent of "the morrow after Corpus Chriati day " in the year 1543.



GENEALOGICAL TREES. Where can I see some good examples of genealogies of say eighteen to twenty generations arranged as trees with branches and leaves ?


GRIFFITH WILLIAMS, Colonel Commandant at Woolwich, who died 1790, married Anne Sherlock. Who was she, and where was she married? H. M. BATSON.

Hoe Benham, Newbury.

BOULDER STONES. About two miles south of High Bentham, Yorkshire, on Burn Moor, are some boulder stones. The largest is iocally known as the "Great Stone of the Four- stones." The six-inch Ordnance Survey map shows near by some others called Fourstones and a " Clap Stone." Half a mile east of the 3reat Stone is one called "Queen of the Fairies Jhair." At the summit of the pass leading to Slaidburn is another stone called the " Stone of Greet."

Can you give any information as to the listory of these stones 1 Most of them are jrobably of glacial birth and deposit. Smith's Old Yorkshire ' gives some historical notes of other stones in Yorkshire, and promises nore in succeeding volumes, but there is nothing about these. I should be glad of any nformation or reference to works in which .hey are described. J. R.

GRIERSON OF DUBLIN. Can any reader give a reference to a pedigree of the ^riersons of Dublin? The patent of king's )rinter in Ireland was held by members of his family for many years. Possibly a list if the king's printers is available for refer- nce, and this would give the successive Griersons who held the patent. The Grier- ons were connected with the D'Arcys of lyde Park, co. Westmeath, whose arms are uartered with those of Grierson, which are