Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/370

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. vn. MAY n, 1901.

Artists in Suffolk Street (eight). Of those ex- hibited at the former, two, viz., 'A Boman Lady prepared for the Bath ' and ' The Origin of Painting,' had been previously shown at the Royal Academy, as had two of those shown at the Society of British Artists.

Adam was married, and, as his nephew Adam writes to me, " to a very handsome person, and the idol of her husband." Her portrait in small is in my informant's posses- sion, and is, he says, "a charming picture." They left two sons, Alfred and Sidney and only the latter appears to have continued his father's profession, living in London. Besides the 181 portraits and drawings Adam exhibited in London, he was very busy as a teacher of portraiture. At the time (1812) he was residing at 19, Frith Street, and judging by the numerous examples en- graved mostly in stipple after him in colour that the demand has lately brought to light (only one that I have seen is after an exhibited work), he must have been in great request. In addition to his teaching and his exhibition work, he found time to bring out his work on ' Paintings on Greek Vases. All these drawings, to the number of one hundred, were from the originals ; and he was his own engraver. This work, which he brought out as a continuation of Sir William Hamilton's on a similar subject, must be very scarce, as I have tried in vain for some years to obtain it, and there is no copy in the British Museum. He also brought out a series of pictures in illustration of the * Pro- gress of Life.' After twelve years he left his residence in Piccadilly, going in 1807 to 59, Frith Street, moving the year following to No. 19, and here he remained for five years. His next move was to 14, Bentinck Street, Manchester Square, but after a three years' tenancy here he changed to No. 17, living there five years. The three succeeding years we find Adam very unsettled, moving each year: first to 72, Margaret Street, Cavendish Square, next to 10, Upper Sey- mour Street West, and thence to No. 15. This was his last move, for in 1833 the year of this move to No. 15 news of his death in London was received by his brother Frederick. He worked to the end, for this year he sent three portraits to the Royal Academy and two to the Society of British Artists. His wife and children survived him. After having thus reviewed all that is possible of a busy artist's life we know very little. But with

  • N. & Q.'s ' permission some may read with

interest what I have noted, and the time spent in attempting to write the omitted monograph will not be quite thrown away.


At the Royal Academy.

1795. Portrait of a gentleman and family (Mr. and Mrs. White) ; a drawing.

1796. A drawing ; a miniature ; a drawing.

1797. Portrait of a young lady ; a lady and family ; ! a miniature of a lady and son.

1798. Portraits ; two miniatures.

1799. Portrait of Master Parker, the musical child ; a drawing ; portraits.

1801. Portraits of a lady and gentleman ; portrait of a lady ; ditto ; miniature of a lady ; ditto.

1802. Portrait of Mrs. Mountain, vocalist and I actress (1768-1841); portrait of a lady and child;

Sartrait of a lady ; a lady and child ; a lady ; The rigin of Painting ; portraits of two ladies.

1803. The Earl of Cavan ; the Countess of Cavan ; j Mr. D. Pauncefort ; Lady H. Lambert ; Lady A. L. Lambert ; a young lady ; ditto.

1804. Miss Farquhar ; Miss Pope ; Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Harrison ; H.R.H. the Duke of York; a lady ; ditto ; Miss Adams.

1806. A lady ; Mrs. Buck (miniature), Adam's wife ; Master Morrison, Adam's nephew ; Miss Middlemin ; Miss Hewes ; the Hon. Mrs. Stewart.

1806. A lady ; a gentleman ; design for a portrait ; Madame Gautherst, professor of the violin; a lady; a lady (miniature) ; ditto ; ditto.

1807. Miss F. George ; a lady ; Countess Cowper ; her son Lord Fordwich ; a lady ; Mr. George ; a child ; a lady (miniature) ; a subject.

1808. A favourite domestic ; a young gentleman ; a Roman Lady prepared for the Bath ; Lieut. -General Baron Hompesch, with an emblematical background; design for portraits ; a lady ; a young lady.

1809. A child; Awake (this is elsewhere as A Wake !) ; the Rev. C. E. Stewart ; Mrs. Murray, late ; Miss Gayton ; Psyche at the couch of Cupid (en- graved in colour) ; Psyche with the casket.

1810. Mrs. Lowe, in the ancient Greek costume from classical authority ; a lady in ancient Greek costume ; frame containing Miss Grote, Misses Hope and Langston ; a lady ; a gentleman.

1811. Mr. G. Conner, East Indian Artillery ; ' Madame Bertinotti ; Radicati in the character of Phaedra ; a lady ; Capt. Sir John Yeo, R.N. ; a child.

1812. H.R.H. the Duke of York ; a young gentle- man; a portrait ; design for a portrait ; Miss Met- calfe.

1813. A lady ; a Venetian lady and her daughter ; a gentleman.

1814. Portraits of a family, with the bust of a deceased child.

1815. A lady.

1816. A lady.

1817. Two sisters ; two brothers ; Lord Cochrane ; Mr. Cobbett ; Sir Francis Burdett ; Mrs. A. L. Edridge.

1818. A gentleman ; Major Cartwright ; a young lady ; a child ; a lady and child ; a gentleman ; a lady; ditto.

1819. A family ; Mrs. J. Burke ; Mr. and Mrs. Rogers and family.

1820. Masters Charles and Henry Lemann ; John Cam Hobhouse, M.P. for Westminster; Mrs. Charles Craven and son ; a lady ; the children of Arthur Brown, Esq.; a gentleman; a young lady; a lady.

1821. A lady and her son ; a lady ; ditto.