Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/532

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 19 01.

Bayne (T.) on Margery, 38

Paulie, its meaning, 257

Pens : nibs and nebs, 516

Rusticness, 5

Eymmyll, its meaning, 519

Sawney, its meaning, 447

Ships of war on land, 431

" Sibyl or Sybil," 317, 455

Snuff, 24

Striking the anvil, 72

" To palmer," 52

Utilitarian, origin of, 425

Verdure, its meaning, 184

Wabbling, its derivation, 272

Wordsworthiana, 206 Beadle (William), his biography, 155 Bear, the Russian, origin of the term, 349 Beardshaw (H. J.) on Beardshaw or Bearde-shawe,


Beardshaw or Bearde-shawe family, 48, 137 Beckett (A.) on " the Cogelers," 269 Become, use of the word, 165, 277 Been, pronunciation of the word, 189 Beer, poison in, 105

Beetenson (W. C.) on elegy imitating Gray's, 8 Begbie (A. J.) on 'Ode to the North Cape,' 187 Bell (C. L.) on Perelle's etchings, 287 Bell inscription at Puncknowle, Dorset, 1629, 365 Bellingham (A. R.) on been, 189 Bellman, the, 75, 376 Bell-ringing at wakes, 188, 294 " Belongs with," use of the term, 148, 318 Bench = elders' platform in churches, 487 Benham (C. E.) on author of recitation, 237 " Bernardus non viditomnia " : "Blind Bayard," 106,

369, 477

Berners family, 70, 253 Berth = to lay clown floor-boards, 505 Betham-Edwards (M.) on ' American Husbandry,' its

author, 508

Bethlem, official name of the hospital, 505 Bettesworth (Serjeant Richard), his biography, 127,


Bible : " A still small voice," 1 Kings xix. 12, 5 ; Psalm xxii. 20, "The power of the dog," 106, 172, 373 ; use of the word prospect in the Authorized Version, 486 " Bible, Crown, and Constitution," sign, 469

Bibliography :

Architecture, 29, 94

Easter, 264

English oratory, 427

Lally-Tolendal, 303

Manners, deportment, and etiquette, 388

' Pilgrim's Progress,' first edition, 264, 269

Pope's 'Dunciad,' 349

Universal history, 488

University of Cambridge, 388, 430

Yeomanry, 12, 34, 216 Biddell (A.) on royal standard, 108 Bideford, fortune-telling at, 366 'Bijou Almanack,' 207, 372 Bijou as a Christian name, 48, 137 Billycock hat, etymology of the word, 125 Bishopric of Mons Maranus, 208, 250

Bishop's Head and Foot at Penwith, Cornwall, 409,471 Black (A. & C.) on shuttles, its meaning, 477 Black (W. G.) on John Stewart Kipling, of Furnival's Inn, 48

Owen (Robert), of New Lanark, 9

Stewart (Rev. James Haldane), 88

Tapping and tipping, 337

Tithe, its origin, 286

Black (William), beacon in memorial of, 446 Blackheads, use of the word, 169, 253 Blackie & Son on ' The Two Duchesses,' 471 Blackfriars, the order, bridge, and theatre, 40 Blackstrap, origin of the word, 33 Blanket family of Bristol, 68, 155 Blashill (T.) on carriages v. pack-saddles, 92 Blessing of the throats, 196, 317 Bligh (General), his biography, 166 Blood as a prophylactic, 509 Blue Beard, supposed original of, 224, 355 Bob-baw, use of the interjection, 232 Boca Chica, origin of the name, 69, 154, 312 Boddington (R. S.) on Browne family, 430

Grivignce (Baron) and Power, 409 Bologna, a Scots heiress as a recluse in, 488 Bolt, miraculous, near Limoges, 46 Bolton (Duke of), his regiments, 52, 98 Bonaparte ballad, 193, 295, 434 Bontemps (Madame), 1718-68, portrait of, 169, 274 Book for children, 47

Book of Common Prayer, reprint of, 126, 193 ; N. or M. in, 367 ; Morning and Evening Prayer only, 409 ; Latin versions, 474 Book, the best, of the nineteenth century, 23 Books, modern, their inconveniences, 427 Books on manners, deportment, and etiquette, 388, 516

Books recently published :

Acts of the Privy Council of England, vol. xxi.,

edited by J. R. Dasent, 139 ; vols. xxii.-xxiii.

478 Baddeley's (J. J.) Aldermen of Cripplegate Ward

from 1276 to 1900, 419 Baildon's (H. B.) Robert Louis Stevenson : a

Life Study in Criticism, 239 Benenden Letters, London, Country, and Abroad,

1753-1821, edited by C. F. Hardy, 359 Beowulf, and the Fight at Finnsburgh, translated

by J. R. C. Hall, 479 Besant'a (Sir W.) East London, 258 Bourinot's (Sir J. G.) Canada under British Rule,

1760-1900, 159 Browne's (H.) Triglot Dictionary of Scriptural

Representative Words, 340 Burke's (Sir B.) Genealogical and Historical

Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage,

edited by A. P. Burke, 19 Byegones relating to Wales and the Border

Counties, 260 Calendar of the Inner Temple Records, edited by

F. A. Inderwick, 339 Calendar of the Patent Rolls : Edward L 1292-

1307 Edward II. 1307-1313, 419 Campbell's ( J. G. ) Superstitions of the Highlands

and Islands of Scotland, 198 Cicero, Letters of, trans, by E. S. Shuckburgh,