Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/534

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.

Boulmier (Joseph), his publications, 348, 415 Bourbon (Margaret of), date of her birth and marriage,

55, 111, 251

Bourne, Lincolnshire, spring onions at, 447 Box family of Yorkshire, 328 Box ( J.) on Box family of Yorkshire, 328 Brabazon (Sir Anthony), his biography, 228, 313 Bradford token, 408 Bradley (H.) on lattermint, 207 Bramble (J. R.) on moon lore, 96 Brandreth family, 168

Brasenose College, Oxford, founder of, 92, 157, 235,298 Brawling in places of worship, 227, 252 Brazen-soft, 177 Bread, troy weight for, 18, 90 Breckenridge family, 247, 313, 415 Breckenridge (J. M.) on Breckenridge family, 247 Breslar (M. L. R.) on Arabs and odd numbers, 225

Arnold (Matthew), 76

Jew and Israelite, 86

Shimmozzel, 10

Wabbling, 168

Bright (John) or 'Cranford,' 93, 154 Brillat-Savarin and Fielding, 248 British lion, origin of the term, 349 Brocas : Weekes : Catlin, 267 Bromby (E. H.) on detached sheet, 295 Bronte topography, 469 Broom (John), of Poole, and Capt. Cook, 48 Browne family, 389, 430

Browning (Robert), his ' Pied Piper of Hamelin,' 148 Bruce (Michael) and Robert Burns, 466 Brushfield (J. N.) on broken on the wheel, 196

Kalegh's signature, 191 Brushfield (T. JN.) on carrick, 208

Flogging at the cart tail, 214 Bubb (T.) on motto on sundial, 467 Buck (Adam), 1759-1833, artist, his biography and

works, 361, 472

"Bull and Last," tavern sign, 128, 254, 331, 411 Buller pedigree, 354 Bulley (H. A.) on Blanche Fane, 308 Bullfight, mock, on Christmas Eve, 246 Bulloch (J. M.) on regiment that declined to go to India, 329

Scots heiress as a recluse in Bologna, 488 Bunyan (John), early edition of ' Pilgrim's Progress '

in French, 167, 312 ; first edition, 264, 269 Burghclere (Lord) on three Estates in Parliament, 9 Burke on Malvern, 68 Burnham family, 287, 455

Burns (Robert), Htauza in 'Tarn Glen,' 46; book belonging to, 66 ; lines by, 125 ; and Michael Bruce, 466

Burnt offering, continual, 408, 476 Burton (Simon), M.D., d. 1744, his biography, 466 Bussy (Ernest), Swiss poet, his biography, 449 Butcher (Thomas), his biography, 109 Butler (J. D.) on Aristotle on a fly, 449

"Fall below par," 488

Ipplepen, co. Devon, 473

Rouen and succedaneum, their meaning, 453

Shakespearian allusion, 69

Title of H.E.D.,' 436 Butler (S.), parrot in ' Hudibras, 1 292 ^Buttons, counting another's, 15, 236

Butty, dialect word, 51 Byfield family, 129, 234 Byron (Lord), his poem on Greece, 328, 475 ; a on

of, 208 C. on marriage custom : Gretna Green, 408

Ravene* of St. Eustatius, family of, 308 C. (A. D.) on Worcestershire folk-lore, 54 C. (D. F.) on Col. Henry Hugh Mitchell, 191 C. (E.) on Richard Herne, Sheriff of London, 309

Hopton (Susanna), devotional writer, 509

Johnson (Robert), Sheriff of London, 228

Scudamore (Sir Clement), Sheriff of London, 269

Unmarried Lord Mayors, 428 C. (F.) on allusion in Wordsworth, 188 C. (G. E.) on George Abbott, M.P., his biography, 36

Brabazon (Sir Anthony), 313

Hill (Serjeant George), 1716-1808, 194

Viscountcies without barony, 41

Warren (Sir John Borlase), 92

C. (G. K.) on genealogical research in America, 350 C. (fl.) on Simon Burton, M.D., d. 1744, 466

Button and Seaman families, 513

Eyre (Sir James), 1734-99, 289

Fletcher (Thomas), poet, 226

Fortescue (Anthony), 327

Funeral cards, 414

Hamley (Edward), B.C.L., 205

Hankford (Sir William), 429

Hatton's (Sir Christopher) monument, 510

Hawkins (Serjeant), 154, 477

Hill (Serjeant George), 1716-1808, 68

Howley (Archbishop), d. 1848, 408

Kingsman family, 493

Lavington (Joseph), d. 1709, 506

Morehead (William), 1637-92, 329

Petition to Parliament, 13

Pococke (Richard), his biography, 46

Warren (Sir John Borlase), Bart., 1753-1822, 15 C. (J. S.) on the author of lines on the skin, 251

Battle of Fontenoy, 212 C. (T. W.) on Arundel : Walden, 28 Caba, meaning of the word, 85, 218 Caendo=cercando, 147, 238 Caesar and Pompey, 268

Caesar (Julius), instances of the nomenclature, 37 Caledonianize, use of the word by S. T. Coleridge, 5 Calendars, wall, with quotations from Shakespeare, 209,

334, 478

Callards, its etymology, 350, 455 Cam, the river, 365

ambridge and Oxford graduates, lists of, 269 Cambridge University in the seventeenth century, 388,


Cambridgeshire, ornithology of, 425 Camden ancestry, 14 Campbell (Lord Archibald), lines by, 446 Campbell (N. D.) on Campbells of Ardkinglass, 187 Campbell (Rev. Thomas), portrait of, 34 Campbell (Thomas), lines by, 77 Campbells of Ardkinglass, 187, 293, 353 Canadian boat-song, 368, 512 Cannibalism of Ethne the Dread, 266 Canny, sailors' term, its meaning, 488 Canouse, its meaning, 329, 412 ^ansick (P. T.) on Dame Ann Combe, 188 Cap of maintenance, 192