Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 7.djvu/543

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Notes and Queries, July 27, 1901.



Hutchinson (J.) on gentlier as a comparative adverb, Ipplepen, co. Devon, its etymology, 50, 113, 217, 297, 468 353, 473

Iredale (A.) on Camden ancestry, 14

Ireland and frogs, 186, 292

Irish Brigade at the battle of Fontenoy, 1745 25

114, 211, 333

Irish famine, verses on the, 148, 251 Irish harps, 228, 338

Irish names, their etymology, 50, 113 217 Irish wills, 1600 1760, 9, 71 Iron, female worker in, 466 -Itis, termination, its etymology, 468 Iveagh, co. Down, its pronunciation, 428 J. (F.) on authors of books wanted, 348

" Capt. Rock," 353

J. (F. W.) on snicket, its meaning, 512 J. (H.) on source of lines wanted, 148 J. (K. J.) on Adam Buck, 472 J. (S. S.) on national flag, 193 Jackson (F. M.) on Morsay or Count Marsay, 249 Jackson (F. W.) on Simon Fraser, 16. 75 Jackson (M.) on " Life is not all beer and skittles," 88 James II. (King), his flight from Ireland, 329 Jarratt (F.) on Shakespeare queries, 454 Jeakes (T. J.) on acacia in Freemasonry, 497 Bottled ale, its invention, 514 Coco de mer or double coco-nut, 417 Colpeara, its meaning, 432 Crong, its meaning, 433 Dendritic markings in paper, 477 Flower game, 397

Foulrice : lock elm : chincherer, their meaning, 453 Lizard folk-lore, 436 " Mad as a hatter," 396 Pall-mall and golf, 352 Pews annexed to houses, 518 Sargent family, 432 Ships of war on land, 431 Tapping and tipping, 456 Troubadour and daisy, 457 Worcestershire folk-lore, 374 Jean le Manique, Sieur de Boucicault, his biography,

367, 454 Jebb (C.) on Ireland and frogs, 186

Jeber's cooks," meaning of the term, 148, 238 Jelalabad, mineral springs at, 63 Jerry-build : jerry-built, 305 Jesse (John Heneage) and George Selwyn, 122, 178,


Jeune (Lady) on old feudal rights, &c., 247 Jew and Israelite, use of the words, 86 Jewish actors, 289

Jewish architects in the Middle Ages, 189 Joan of Arc, and goddams, 268, 355; her trial, 408,472 Job, a Mussulman legend of, 63, 190, 296 "John Company," 34 Johnson v. Boswell, 285

Hyde Park, monolith with cup-markings in, 69, 115,

195, 292

Hyndford (Earl of), the first, his daughters, 249, 358 Ibague" on bell-ringing at wakes, 188 Bishop of London's funeral, 231 Columbaria, ancient dove or pigeon cotes, 3 1 8 Corpse superstition, 86 Counting another's buttons, 236 Footprints of gods, &c., 233 Friday superstition, 194 Gates of Caroline Park, Edinburgh, 288 Halberts, the, 473

Killing pigs in the wane of the moon, 93 Lights seen over the places where treasure

buried, 47

London evening papers, 165 Methodists and parish church. 169 Mock bullfight on Christmas Eve, 246 Morris (William) as a man of business, 118, 296 Orientation in interments, 195, 431 Pecchio (Count Giuseppe), 191 Peridot, Perited, or Pilidod, 215 Pitcher of water in death-chamber, 69 Powdering gowns, 474 Quaint custom, 136 Scottish death superstition, 467 Soldier ancestors, 353 Spotted negro boy, 258 Superstitious cures for disease, 104 Sympathetic magic, 266 Towns which have changed their sites, 206 " Twopenny Tube," 218 West-Countrymen's tails, 286 Witch superstitions in the republic of Colombia,


Worcestershire folk-lore, 255 Ictinus on Norman architecture, 29 Inam or Imam, Arabic word, 345 Independent Company of Invalids, 1 71 Indexes : to ' Notes and Queries,' 26 ; General, to

  • Notes and Queries,' corrections in, 43, 164; of

' Notes and Queries ' for sale, 387, 520 ; con solidated genealogical, 426

India, superstitions relating to animals in, 225 ; regi- ment that declined to go to, 329 , Influenza, early reference to, 286 Ingleby (H.) on " La-di-da," name of song, 425 Manurance, 125, 336 Shakespeariana, 22 Smous, its meaning, 298 Innes on D'Auvergne family, 68 Inns of Court, age of entry at, 17, 452 Inoculation, early, 108, 212 Inquirer on a passage in Pope, 308 Title of esquire, 236

Inscription: runic, found in St. Paul's Churchyard, 269, Johnson (H.) on designation of foreigners in Mexico, 496

338 ; in the metaphysi- s class-room in Edinburgh

University, 485

Instruments, musical, catalogue of, 207 Insurrection, use of the word, 66, 111, 314 Intemperance, war, pestilence, and famine, 390 Interments, orientation in, 195, 338, 431 Inundate, its pronunciation, 71 Invalids, Independent Company of, 171

Hearth-money, 1662-89, 308 Johnson (Robert), Sheriff of London, 1617, his bio- graphy, 228, 313, 413

Johnson (Dr. S.), spelling of his name, 88, 176, 237, 295 Johnston (L. C.) on Thomas Marryat, M.D., 1730-

1792, 409

Jonas (A. C.) on Breckenridge family, 415 Paddle your own Canoe,' 53, 493