Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/155

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over the world's seas. I am anxious to supplement the scattered information about the Portuguese former power, as too briefly described in Capt. Mahan's magnificent monograph upon 'The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783.'

J. LAWRENCE-HAMILTON, M.R.C.S. 30, Sussex Square, Brighton.

LADY CARRINGTON'S PORTRAIT BY LAW- RENCE. Some of your readers probably noticed in Messrs. Goupil's Gallery the beautiful engraving published by them in the early part of last year of Sir Thomas Lawrence's portrait of Lady Carrington, nde Paulina Belli. The original portrait was bequeathed by Miss Laura Carrington to the South Kensington Museum. The object of the present communication is to inquire if any of your readers can tell me in what year the Belli family went to England, and from what part of Italy the family sprang.

Lady Carrington's father, John Belli, sec- retary to Warren Hastings, was, I believe, born in England ; but I am not sure of this. His wife was a Miss Cockerell. His three daughters married Dr. Howley, Archbishop of Canterbury, Mr. Horsley Palmer, and Sir C. E. Carrington, Chief Justice of Ceylon (whose sister was the mother of Lord Napier of Magdala). John Belli's youngest son, the Rev. Charles Almeric Belli, vicar of South Weald, died only a few years ago at a great age. Lady Carrington's extraordinary beauty was not quite equalled by her sisters, but they also were handsome.


Palazzo Martinengo, Sal6, Lago di Garda.

ARMS. Can any reader identify this bear- ing? Vair, on a canton a buck's head

cabossed impaling Argent, two bendlets

wavy gules. The plate with these arms bears the date-mark of the reign of Charles II. and the initials A. B. H.

BIBLE : AUTHORIZED VERSION. Which of the previous versions differs least from the Authorized Version of the Bible? In other words, which version did the translators of 1611 revise or take as the basis of their version ? FRANCIS J. PAYNE.

[It is founded on the work of Tyndale and Cover- dale.]

GREEK EPIGRAM. Can you give me the full text of a Greek epigram or perhaps, more precisely, an epigram in Greek, as I fancy it may have been the composition of a modern scholar beginning Teo-o-apcs al Xa/HTs,..,,.K(u Slfca MoCqrcu, and of its ren-

dering in English, " Four are the Graces and the Muses ten "? CHARLES F. T. FURRAN.

Sydney, N.S.W.

GALLEY HALL ESTATE. This is situated in the parish of Great Baddow, in the county of Essex. In the year 1831 William Policy, 'the occupier, died, and letters of administration were granted to his son, William Policy. He died in_ 1848. The history of this Galley Hall viz., the occupiers or owners from time to time, from the beginning of its existence down to the present is wanted.


"WEALD," NAME OF PART OF ESSEX. In old maps of Essex this is printed North and South Weald, also in old records. I find several Essex names now being spelt as Weal and Wheal. How has this change come about ? On searching an old church register at North Benfleet recently I found the name written in a baptismal register of 1830 Weald.

T. A.

"O SAW YE MY FATHER." I shall be glad if some one will tell me the title of, and in what collection I can see, a song beginning :

saw ye my father, saw ye my mither, Or saw ye my true love John ?

1 saw na your father, I saw na your mither, But I saw your true love John.

He's met with some delay That has caused him to stay, And he will be here ere long.


WEEK. The week is distinctly a Jewish and Christian institution. How is it that the names of the days are Latin and Teutonic invariably pagan ; and to what period may these names be traced back ?


[Christianity adapted to its use existing mytho- logy and pagan elements and customs which survive in various names. The word "week," German Woche, is probably true Teutonic, like the names of the days. References for their English forms will be found in Prof. Skeat's 'Etymological Dictionary.']

JEREMIAH CLIFTON. When did this London clockmaker flourish ? PRESTER.

[The only Cliftons traceable in Britten's 'Old Clocks and Watches and their Makers' are Thomas Clifton, a Brother of the Clockmakers' Company in 1651, and another Thomas admitted in 1687.]

PRICE OF EGGS. In the eighth volume of the ' Calendar of the Cecil Papers ' (Hist. MSS. Com., 1899) is a letter dated 23 July, 1598, from Paul Delahay, who (under the impression that he was " marrying money ") had become the son-in-law of William Cecil of Alt-yr-ynys, and had undertaken certain