Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/196

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. MARCH s, 1902.

1716, was a descendant of Bernulf de Clegg the founder of Clegg Hall, near Rochdale, in the reign of Stephen ; also the Christian name of Esther Clegg's father, and where sh was baptized ; also the Christian name o Jonathan Warren's father 1 Jonathan Warrer was born 8 December, 1694. Where ? am where baptized ? G. J. WATTS.

STEEVENS'S ' SHAKESPEARE.' - Will yoi kindly inform me the value of a set o Steevens's 'Shakespeare,' Boydell, 1802? copy is in 9 vols., and belonged to Mr Martin, who inserted many illustrations. H. W. B. GLOVER.

Norfolk, Va.

[No man except an expert can give you the value of an exceptional copy. The only plan is to sell i by auction, and buy it in if you want to keep it Consult the successive volumes of 'Book-Price! Current.']

AUTHOR OF BOOKS WANTED. Who is the author of ' Experiences of a Gaol Chaplain, ' Notes from the Diary of a Coroner's Clerk (published in Bentlei/s Miscellany, but, ] believe, never published separately). ' Straj Leaves from a Freemason's Note -book' and what are the names of any other work? of his ? WILLIAM ELAM.

WILLIAM AND ROBERT BENT. Can any one give me biographic data of William Bent, the compiler and publisher of English cata- logues, and the founder of Kents Literary Advertiser, established in 1802 ; also of Robert bent, his successor 1 A. G.

New York.

ASHTEAD, SURREY. The parishioners are anxious to trace, and if possible recover, the registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials prior to 1660; also the accounts of the churchwardens and overseers from the end ot the eighteenth century as far backwards as possible. Suggestions "or information will be welcomed, (Rev.) F. G. L. LUCAS.

Ihe Rectory, Ashtead.

MINAS AND EMPECINADOS. Macaulay in his essay on 'Lord Mahon's War of the Suc- cession in Spain/ writes, "The Earl [of Peter- borough] therefore made war after the fashion ot tne^Mmas and Empecinados of our own times. Ignorance, sheer ignorance, induces me to ask some reader to enlighten me as to Minas and Empecinados, and in what fashion they made war. J AMES WATSON.

[The Minas, uncle and nephew, and Kmpecinado were celebrated leaders in the Spanish guerilla war against the Napoleonic invaders.]

CADAVER."-In Coke's 'Institutes,' vol.iii. p. 203, appears the following : " The burial of

the cadaver (that is caro data vermibus) is," &c. ; and the passage is quoted verbatim, without comment, by Mr. Justice Holroyd in Rex v. Coleridge, 2 Barnewall and Alderson's Reports, p. 809. Did the learned author intend his readers to consider that he believed cadaver to be derived from the union of the first three syllables of the other three following Latin words ; or is it a little ghastly pleasantry 1 Is the joke his own ? Lexico- graphers are unanimous in tracing the deri- vation a cadendoc&d&ver being that which no longer stands, but has fallen. Cf. and TTiTTTtiv. G. B. F.

RICHARD EDWARDS was admitted to West- minster School in 1770. Can any corre- spondent of ' N. & Q.' tell me whether this was Richard Edwards of Nanhoron, Carnar- vonshire ? G. F. R. B.

" LIMERICK." Why is a certain form of nonsense verse known by this name ; and by whom was the name first given ? The ques- tion has already been asked (9 th S. ii. 470), but has not, I believe, been satisfactorily answered. HENRY BRADLEY.

Clarendon Press, Oxford.

BULL-BAITING. I have seen reference to a statute ordering bulls to be baited as a con- dition precedent to their flesh being exposed in the shambles for sale. In 'Records of the Borough of Leicester,' vol. ii. p. 289, there is notice of a borougli enactment that "no bocher kylle no bull to selle within this town put yf hit be bay ted before in payne of for-

eture thereoff." The order has its counter-

part in a Cambridge ordinance of 1376 Cooper's 'Annals,' i. 114), where "baiting" s explained as being fed with grass in a stall. Was there a statute such as that mentioned above, arid did it enjoin baiting by bulldogs n 1 baiting as contemplated by the Cam- bridge ordinance ? G. T.

COMIC ANNUAL. Wanted the title and names of author, artist, and publisher of a ornic annual (?) which appeared about sixty 'ears ago. On p. 53, under the heading Rhetoric and Elocution for the Million,' are wo illustrations, a large face on a small body, nd a sulking boy leaning against a wall. )n p. 54 (dealing with teeth) is represented ri old nurse offering pap to an infant in its hair. On p. 55 is a clown shooting a igantic tooth out of the mouth of a panta- 3011. On p. 56 is a carpenter seated over

signboard ("The Queen's Head"), and ivving it away from its post. These are all be pages that I possess, but on one there , I recollect, an illustrated description of