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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. ix. MARCH s, iwa

portraits should, of course, be kept in England, bu who is to keep them in presence of American cor petition? Mr. Stephen Gwynn eulogizes eloquent

  • The Masque of " Ulysses."' 5 Mr. W. S. Lilly write

'Concerning Ghost Stories,' and the Countess o Jersey deals with 'The Young English Girl Se] portrayed.' The whole constitutes an admirab number, which unfortunately wo get too lat to be able to do full justice to its contents. A curious and not altogether agreeable effect obtained in the Pall Mall in the reproduction o the 'Portrait of a Lady,' by Velasquez, whic serves as frontispiece. A character-study of Pres dent Loubet, by Ada Cone, declares him to be th first President of the French Republic who ha realized completely the democratic ideal of a chie magistrate. No very intimate knowledge of Pres dent Loubet seems to be possessed by the writer ' The Real Siberia,' by Mr. John Foster Fraser, i an account by an American of a Siberia in whic in September he was frizzled with heat and munchec by mosquitoes. In the coldest winter, even, th place is described as not destitute of attraction The views seem to us the chief feature of the con tribution. Mr. Walter Maunder has a yaluabl and scientific article on the moon, which als is well illustrated. Mrs. Gallup contribute her account of Bacon's bi-literal cipher. Thi leaves matters where they were, so far a Bacon's claim to be every one is concerned, anc requires closer investigation than we are a present able to bestow. An account of Chancello von Billow may be read with interest. 'The Heart of England,' in Scribner's, gives some striking pictures of the life of labour in London near London Bridge, and in the port of London The views are taken from all sorts of places including a balloon, and are very impressive to those most familiar with the spots depicted. The third instalment appears of ' The American " Com mercial Invasion" of Europe.' Very interesting both as regards designs and letterpress, is Miss Wharton's ' Sanctuaries of the Pennine Alps.' To the charms of the waters of the Lago d' Orla we have long been sensible. In defiance of authority Mr. Richard Harding Davis calls a story of h'is The Bar [sic] Sinister.' The fiction, with which we are unable to deal, is excellent. Mr. J. W Mackail, an elegant scholar, sends to the Cornliill a rendering of the scenes between Calypso and Odysseus, or Ulysses, as, after the example of Mr. Stephen Phillips, the wanderer is called. The passages translated are from the fifth book, lines 148-224, and the metre resembles that of the quatrain of Omar Khayyam. "An Old Foev " contrasts the Bohemia of yesterday with that of to-day. Part xiv. of 'A Londoner's Log-Book' holds out the promise of a contested election in Stuccodom. Lady Grove deals with ' Social Sole- cisms, without, however, quite understanding her subject. General Maunsell, C.B., gives his remi- niscences of the Punjaub campaign. Mrs. Moffat, Jwu *"' 1 describes lif e in Central Africa What is "Popular Poetry" ?' by Mr. W. B. Yeats' leaves us still a little in the dark. -Mr. Hudson's articles on natural history in Longman'* are always good, and 'Selborne Revisited' is one of the best it inspires a strong desire to follow in the writer's ick. Canvassing in 1832' is brightly written Mrs. Clement Shorter tells pleasantly in vers the opening of the story of King Cophetua. Mr. Lang is once more admirable in ' At the Sign of the Ship^

the most entertaining, although the most personal, of the miscellanea contributed to magazines. Canon Wood, in the Gentleman's, writes on 'Arthur, " King of England," ' by which, we are told, is not to be understood the famous husband of Guinevere, but the Prince Arthur who married Katherine of Arragon and never came into his kingdom. Mr. Charles Wilkins writes on ' The King of the Dandies ' without ever apparently having read the ' Dandyism and G. Brummel' of Barbey d'Aure- villy, the best thing ever written on the subject.

CHARLES KENT, an old contributor to our columns, who died on the 23rd of February, was born in London on the 3rd of November, 1823, and was the son of William Kent, R.N., who was born at the old Government House, Sydney, on December 23rd, 1799. At the early age of twenty-two Charles Kent became editor of the Sun evening news- paper, and from 1874 to 1881 he edited the Weekly Register. He was a contributor to the ' Dictionary of National Biography' and the 'Encyclopaedia Britannica,' and was an authority on the works of Leigh Hunt, Lytton, and Charles Dickens. In |N. & Q.' for September 4th, 1875, he wrote an interesting reply to MR. TOWNSHEND MAYER in reference to Lord Lytton's introduction of several of his contemporaries in his ' King Arthur.' Kent's long life was devoted to literature, and in recog- nition of his services a Civil List pension of 100. a year was conferred upon him. He was one of the most lovable of men, and the inscription he caused to be placed on Leigh Hunt's tomb might well find a place on his" Write me as one who loves his Fellow-men." We who knew him say of him, as Leigh Hunt said, "Right Friend and Gentleman."

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