Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/241

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Rovere, and of her second son, Borgia, all the historians mentioned above, and all others that I know of, agree that Giovanni Fran- cisco Borgia, afterwards Duke of Gandia, was the eldest, and Caesar the second of her sons, and Villari gives the date of the birth of the former as 1474, and that of Caesar as 1476. If either of them was Rovere's son, it must be then the Duke of Gandia, and not Caesar Borgia.

Moreover, contrast the treatment Caesar received at the hands of the two Pontiffs. Alexander bestowed honours and wealth upon him, and helped him in all his schemes of aggrandizement; Julius, immediately he had the power, " demanded of Duke Cesare the renunciation of his duchy of the Romagna," "despoiled him of all fiefs and dignities held from the Holy See, and con- fiscated all his personal property." Caesar escaped from Rome in disguise, but by the intrigues of Julius he was rearrested and imprisoned in Spain. In fine, the weight of all the presumptive evidence is on the side of Alexander, and Machiavelli, who had at least two personal interviews with Caesar, and was a shrewd man, well informed of state affairs, actually refers to him in his ' Principe ' as the son of Alexander VI. His testimony may safely be believed before that of the " pro- verbially discredited' 1 Varillas.

It is to be noted that BARON CORVO him- self calls his book a gallimaufry, which, according to Webster, is "an absurd medley."

    • So mote it be ! " CHARLES R. DAWES.

" INTENTIONS " (9 th S. v. 434 ; vi. 435, 504). All the passages quoted hitherto for inten- tions matrimonial are of the nineteenth century. There is an earlier instance in 'Peregrine Pickle,' c. xxviii. Mr. Gauntlet, brother of Peregrine's flame, asks for satis- faction :

"I demand it in the capacity of a brother, jealous of his own honour, as well as of his sister's reputation ; and if your intentions are honourable, you will not refuse it."


GORDON RIOTS (9 th S. ix. 68). I have a small tract of 32 pp. which mentions several of the houses destroyed. It bears the follow- ing explicit title :

" Riots. | A Genuine | Account | of the | Proceed- ings | of the late | Disturbances and Riots | in the | Cities of London and Westminster, | and | Borough of South war k. | Containing | an Account of the burning of Newgate, the King's | Bench, the Fleet, and New Bridewell Prisons. Like- | wise the Houses of Lord Mansfield, Sir John Fielding, | Messrs. Langdale, Rainsforth, Cox, Hyde, &c. Romish | Chapels, Schools, &c., with an Account of the Com- | mitment of Lord George Gordon to the | Tower. |

And Anecdotes of his Life. | To which is added, I An Abstract of the Act lately passed in favour of the Ro- | man Catholicks. | London : I Printed bv 0. Adams & Co. 1780. | [Price Six-Pence.]"

JOHN T. PAGE. West Haddon, Northamptonshire.

Many, if not all, of the houses destroyed by the mob, are given in Kirby's 'Wonderful and Eccentric Museum,' 1820, vol. ii. ; also in Wilson's ' Wonderful Characters,' 1821, vol. i.

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

Consult 7 th S. ii. 341-3. W. C. B.

FRENCH NOVEL (9 th S. ix. 148). The title of the French novel is 'Les Inconsolables.' The author is Henry Lavedan (de 1'Academie Frangaise). The first publisher was La Revue Illustre'e, fifteen years ago. The novel is now published in a volume in-16


Frascati, Italy.

UNE ANGLAISE will find ' Les Incon- solables' (comedy, not novel) in vol. ii. of Scribe's ' Collected Works,' Dentu's edition. CHARLES A. FEDERER.


In answer to the query, I am glad to say that the book 'Inconsolables,' by Henri Lavedan, was published in 1886, in-16.


Arcueil, Seine.

'* FOOT-CLOTH NAG" (9 th S. ix. 69). Your correspondent should refer to Halliwell's ' Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words,' 1878 ; Archdeacon Nares's ' Glossary of the Works of English Authors'; and 3 rd S. v. 461, where the following quotation is given :

Nor shall I need to try

Whether my well-grass'd, tumbling foot-doth nag Be able to outrun a well-breath'd catchpole.

' Ram Alley,' * Old Plays,' v. 473.


"O SAW YE MY FATHER" (9 th S. ix. 147). This song was published in Horsfield's 'Songster's Companion,' second edition, 1772, and is claimed as a lyric of English origin by Chappell in his ' Music of the Olden Time.' It was included by David Herd in his ' An- cient and Modern Scottish Songs,' 1776, and it has since appeared in all comprehensive Scottish anthologies. Allan Cunningham palmed off on Cromek a variant, probably of his own composition, for the ' Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway Song,' 1810, but he gave Herd's lyric in his own ' Songs of Scot- land, Ancient and Modern,' 1825. See also Johnson's 'Musical Museum,' Chambers's