Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/280

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. APRIL 5, 1902.

Let me trust that if other evidence be needed, and is in the possession of more learned readers of *N. & Q.,' we may be favoured with it. ST. CLAIR BADDELEY.

Hotel Eden, Rome.

In the seventh century Benedict Biscop brought glaziers from the Continent to con- tribute to the glory of his foundations at Wearmouth and Jarrow. ST. SWITHIN.

THE FIRST BRITISH SUBJECT BORN IN NEW SOUTH WALES (9 th S. ix. 206). A few weeks ago, in an obituary notice in the Manchester Guardian, a man born in 1824 was said to have been the first British subject born in New South Wales. I let that pass ; but when it is stated in ' N. & Q.' that Charles Kent, who was born in 1799, was the first British subject born in the colony, I feel bound to demur. In 1854 I knew Daniel Nowlan and his wife. The husband was a mail contractor living in Mussel brook, Hunter River, and both he and his wife were born in 1794. His father was a sergeant in the army, who went put with the first batch of convicts (800) in 1788. Doubtless many of your Australian readers could give similar instances of per- sons born before 1799.


BATTY, PRINTER, 159, FLEET STREET (9 th S. ix. 208). So far as my memory goes some pamphlets were published about 1859, on behalf of the High Church party, relating to the great question, then, as now, before us, of marriage with a deceased wife's sister. I cannot recall anything regarding those pub- lications beyond the fact that there were a few printed and published for private members of the party in those days. Perhaps such firms as Masters & Co., Bivingtons, and Burns & Gates may have a knowledge of the pamphlets alluded to.


I remember in about the year 1850, when serving my apprenticeship to Joseph Masters, being frequently sent to the above-named farm of printers with advertisements for a newspaper entitled the English Churchman, which 1 see is now published at No. 74, Strand and is called the English Churchman and bt. James's Chronicle.

I think if your correspondent would refer to the hie of that newspaper at about that date he might obtain the information he is seeking. About that period Masters pub- lished a monthly magazine called the Eccle- siastic, and Burns, of Portman Street a quarterly review called the Christian Remem- brancer, edited by Wm. Scott, of Hoxton

(Clement Scott's father), and most likely these pamphlets would be advertised and noticed in them. ROBERT BURNINGHAM.

BISHOPS' SIGNATURES (9 th S. ix. 9, 118, 239). At the last reference we are told, on the authority of Taylor's 'Words and Places,' that Wiogora-ceastre, i.e., Worcester, is a cor- ruption of Hwic-wara-ceastre. Of course this is clean impossible, and Canon Taylor acknow- ledged that many of his early guesses were untenable. If by "corruption" is meant a total disregard of all phonetic laws, it may be doubtful if any clear case of it can be made out for Early English. As a fact, the two forms were contemporaneous :

' k in hwicca maegthe in weogernacester"

(Kemble, 'Codex Diplom.,' i. 114). CELER.

ARMS OF DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY (9 th S. ix. 9, 118). I cannot say whether the company used any coat of arms as their own. Their coinage bore, besides the V. O. C. monogram described by MR. J. P. LEWIS, sundry coats of arms perhaps those of governors. LOBUC.

A kind friend has sent me a photograph of the device of this old company, taken from a carving, dated 1669, above the gateway of a fort in Ceylon. It consists of the letters V. O. C., interlaced in the manner described by your last correspondent, within an oval frame, on an elaborate mantling between two lions as supporters, and surmounted by a crest a cock, I believe. L. L. K.

TENNIS : ORIGIN OF THE NAME (9 th S. ix. 27, 75, 153, 238).-! must admit the justice of MR. CHARLES A. FEDERER'S criticism, so courteously expressed. I find that Littre gives similar quotations, as, e g., " Tenez, je

vais vous dire Tenez, tous vos discours ne

me touchent point 1'ame," &c. I must, how- ever, maintain that the word has never been used in French courts in the same sense as our word " play," or at least that there is no evidence of such use, unless the word "excipe" be admitted without corroboration. JULIAN MARSHALL.

DESCE* HANTS OF SIR WILLIAM DE LA POLE, DIED 1329 (9 th S. ix. 209). Since this query was written I have obtained from Sheahan's 'History of Hull' (1864) the following additional information respecting the eldest son of the above Sir William and his descendants :

" Richard de la Pole died in 1345 and his son,

William dc la Pole (afterwards knighted), succeeded to the possession of his wealth. The male branch of Richard's descendants soon ran out, but the