Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/381

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9*s. ix. MAY io, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


you. I am sure that if you refer to the two illustrations under discussion you will agree that your correspondent is under a curious misapprehension. You will understand that the very brief and transient glimpse afforded by a rapidly moving scene makes the seizing of every detail a matter of great difficulty, but it is the particular pride of the special artists of all the better-class weekly illustrated papers that very few of these details are omitted or incorrectly drawn. It is, there- fore, on their behalf that I beg you to insert this refutation.

BEUCE S. INGRAM, Editor. [The hat in the second picture is not over-clear, but we agree that it is distinctly a cocked hat, as in the picture on the opposite page, so that the in- accuracy disappears.]

JOHN KIRKBY, AUTHOR OF 'AUTOMATHES' (6 th S, xii. 68, 177). In the life of Kirkby given in the 'Dictionary of National Bio- graphy ' he is stated to have been of St. John's College, Cambridge. The error seems to be of long standing ; see Nichols's

  • Literary Anecdotes,' ii. 56, where the trans-

lation of Barrow's lectures is ascribed to John Kirkby, of St. John's. Nichols states that this volume issued from the press of William Bowyer in 1735. On the title-page it is stated to be "Printed for Stephen Austin at the Angel and Bible in St. Paul's Church-yard MDCCXXXIV.," and the translation is stated to be by " the Rev. Mr. John Kirkby, of Egremond in Cumberland." Kirkby's name does not appear on the title-page of ' Automathes,' but the dedication, to the Right Hon. Lewis, Earl and Baron of Rock- ingham, &c., is signed John Kirkby. The ' Dictionary of National Biography ' identifies this John Kirkby with the J. K. who was collated vicar of Waldershare 8 December, 1739, and rector of Blackrnanstone 19 Novem- ber, 1743, both in Kent. And this seems probable. But in the 'Act Book' of the Archbishop of Canterbury Kirkby is stated to have been ordained deacon 28 July, 1723, and priest 1 August, 1725, by Francis (Gastrell), Bishop of Chester. Now John Kirkby, of St. John's, entered the college 4 May, 1723, aged eighteen, so that it is clear he was not the vicar of Waldershare. Moreover, he was ordained deacon 28 May, 1727, by the Bishop of Lincoln, and licensed next day to the curacy of Pilham, co. Lincoln. I have not yet succeeded in tracing his further career, but suspect that he was the John Kirkby who was instituted vicar of Stoke Holy Cross and vicar of Trowse, both in Norfolk, 2 June, 1729, in both cases on the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of

Norwich, so that he was probably a Minor Canon of that cathedral. Curiously enough he died in the same year as the vicar of Waldershare, for he is almost certainly the "Rev. Mr. Kirkby of Norwich, who died of grief [in 1754] from a dishonourable circum- stance happening in his family" (Gent. Mag., 1755 p. 5706). Both Stoke and Trowse were filled up again in 1754. The vicar of Walder- share died 21 May, 1754 (Hasted's 'Kent,' iii. 432). A manuscript note inserted in the British^ Museum copy of one of Kirkby's pamphlets, 'A Demonstration from Christian Principles,' &c., states that it " was wrote by a Rev. Mr. Kirkby, father of Messrs. K. the Printers." R. F. SCOTT.

St. John's College, Cambridge.

TOKEN FOUND IN THE STRAND (9 th S. ix. 268). The token was issued by Richard Bacon, of Cockey Lane (now called London Street), Norwich. He is described in the 'Norwich Directory' for 1802 as an auctioneer, appraiser, printer, bookseller, binder, and stationer. Wyon was the die- sinker and Kempson the manufacturer. About a ton was struck.


"FLAPPER," ANGLO-INDIAN SLANG (9 th S. ix. 266). MR. CROOKE has found a mare's nest. A "flapper " is only a young duck.

G. S. C. S.

SIR THOMAS SMITH, OF PARSON'S GREEN (9 th S. ix. 29, 132). This Sir Thomas Smith, who married the Hon. Frances Brydges, is not identical with his namesake who was Secre- tary of State to Queen Elizabeth. The lives of both are given by the 'D.N.B.' It is a remarkable fact that each was Public Orator in his university ; the Sir Thomas whose name is at the head of this reply at Oxford, and the more famous Sir Thomas Smith, whose name will always be connected with the study of Greek in England, at Cambridge. EDWARD BENSLY.

The University, Adelaide, South Australia.

NAPOLEON'S LAST YEARS (9 th S. viii. 422, 509; ix. 274). What proof is there that Napoleon's illness, from which he died six years later, affected his movements at Water- loo? It is easy to make confident assertions that Napoleon would have swept away Wel- lington's last soldier from the field, but mere assertion is not proof. Napoleon did not always fight successful battles. His strategy and tactics in the Moscow and Leipsic cam- paigns were of the most second-rate descrip- tion. I doubt whether he was anything like as good a tactician as Wellington, though a