Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/399

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gth s . ix. MAY n, 1902.] NOTES AND QUERIES.


ing a poet, I learned that the poem which is a favourite, I believe, in young folks' auto- graph albums had been enclosed in a letter sent by her to a friend in the country, and somehow got into the local paper, the editor, presumably regarding the poem as original, adhibiting the initials of the sender's name, which he knew. The lines I do not know who is their author as in my possession are headed 'Friendship':

Make new friends, but keep the old,

Those are silver, these are gold.

New-made friends, like new wine,

Age will mellow and refine.

Friendships that have stood the teat,

Time and change, are surely best.

Brow may wrinkle, hair turn grey,

Friendship never owns decay ;

For 'mid old friends kind and true

We once more our youth renew.

But, alas ! old friends must die

New friends must their place supply ;

Then cherish friendship in your breast,

New is good, but old is best.

Make new friends, but keep the old,

Those are silver, these are gold.

JOHN GRIGOR. 105, Choumert Road, Peckham.

WHITE GLOVES AT ASSIZES (9 th S. ix. 309). So much has appeared in ' N. & Q.' with reference to this custom it can scarcely be necessary to reopen the subject. See I 8fc S. i., ii., iii. ; 2 nd S. i. ; 8 th S. vii. ; also Brand's

  • Popular Antiquities'; ' Gloves,' by S. William

Beck, 1883, ' Gloves on the Bench,' chap. v. ; and many other publications.

EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

FIELD-NAMES, SOUTH-WEST LANCASHIRE (9 th S. ix. 268). Cadix Meadow, so called from the family of Cadick of Melling ; Loton = Low town-field ; Wrangling Croft, a disputed parcel of ground (cf. Threaplands) ; Bicol or By call = the field " by the caul " or weir (vide ' N.E.D./ 8.v. ' Cauld ') ; Lum Hey = the loamy enclosure or close ; Long Shoot = the shot or furlong in the town-field having long ridges ; Locker Field, probably "Lower" field pro- nounced gutturally ; Steven Stones = Stephen's stones; Mars Croft = marshy croft (marys = mere-ish, being the older form of marshy) ; Big Sum Field, where "big" possesses the adjective termination " some," as handsome ; Formery or Farmery, a corruption of " infirm- ary," a field lying near the infirmary of a religious house; Avorill = haver hill, a hill upon which oats (haver) were grown. Many of the above names occur in the parish of Aughton, in South-West Lancashire.



LINES ATTRIBUTED TO DR. JOHNSON (9 th S. ix. 330).! have not made myself explicit. I have personified " Adieu," the lady who copied the lines and wrote the remarks which follow them. Her correspondent, to whom she apparently presented the 'Life of Garrick,' is M. W. D. If M. is replaced by At, which it very closely resembles, or with which it is identical, in many MSS. of the eighteenth and early part of the nineteenth century, then "At W. D." means a house visited by Dr. Johnson and the initials of which are W. D. This supposition involves the use of a capital "A" for a small "a," a venial sin in those days. JAS. HAYES.



ix. 347). The song referred to is probably 'Little Taffline with a Silken Sash,' which occurs in Prince Hoare's farce 'The Three and the Deuce.' The music is by Stephen Storace. WM. DOUGLAS.

125, Helix Road, Brixton Hill.

'Little Taffline ' was composed by Stephen Storace, and sung by Mrs. Bland in the operetta called 'Three and the Deuce' at Drury Lane. It was published by Goulding & Co. No date is given. W. T.

SIBYLLINE ORACLES (9 th S. ix. 289). A translation of the Sibylline oracles into Eng- lish blank verse by Prof. Milton Spenser Terry was published at New York in 1890. WILLIAM E. A. AXON.


DISAPPEARING CHARTISTS (9 th S. ix. 144, 251). One or two small mistakes in recent references to old Chartists by MR. CECIL CLARKE and MR. GEORGE JACOB HOLYOAKE (pp. 86, 251-2) should be corrected. MR. CLARKE is wrong in assuming that it was claimed for the late George Julian Harney that he was "the oldest survivor of those connected with the famous movement "the movement for the People's Charter. What was claimed for Mr. Harney was that he was the last survivor of the members of the Chartist Convention of 1839. And this was true. There must be a good many old Chartists still living, meaning by old Chartists members of the National Chartist Associa- tion, which began in 1838 and lasted till the middle of the fifties. John Cleve, mentioned by MR. HOLYOAKE, should be John Cleave ; Waddrington, the birthplace of Charles Julius Haslain, should be Widdrington ; and R. G. Gammage was a Northampton, not a New- castle Chartist. Widdrington, in Northumber- land, was the home of that hero of the ballad