Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/476

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ix. JUNE u, 1902.

never seen any account of his armorial. Can any of your readers inform me whether more than one Thomas Phaer is known as con- nected with Cardigan and Pembrokeshire at this period; and, secondly, whether any account of Thomas Phaer's arms has ever been published? If these arms could be ascertained they might help to throw light on the family history of a distinguished man.

A W. C. B.

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL, MOORFIELDS. In what magazine, published within the last two or three years, shall I find an illustrated description of this building (now pulled down)] EVERARD HOME COLEMAN.

71, Brecknock Road.

SECOND EARL OF ALBEMARLE. Does any portrait exist of William Anne Keppel, second Earl of Albemarle (1702-54), who suc- ceeded the Duke of Cumberland as Com- mander-in-Chief in Scotland after the battle of Culloden ? Q. K. B.

[A portrait of him as Lord Bury is described in Chaloner Smith's 'British Mezzotint Portraits,' vol. iii. p. 1146. Other portraits are mentioned in the same work, which consult.]

SIR GEOFFREY POLE, DIED 1558. This knight was the youngest son of Sir Richard Pole and Margaret, Countess of Salisbury. He married Constance Pakenham, of Lording- ton, and had eleven children : Arthur (died in the Tower about 1570), Thomas, Edmund (died in the Tower about 1570), Jeffrey, and another son; Margaret (who married Walter, son of the second Lord Windsor), Katherine (who married Anthony Fortescue), and four other daughters (one a nun of Sion). Is any- thing known of the descendants (if any) of these children of Sir Geoffrey Pole and his wife Constance? RONALD DIXON.

46, Marlborough Avenue, Hull.

LODGE'S 'EARLS OF KILDARE.' Lodge, in the preface to the first edition of his ' Peerage,' published in 1754, speaks of a history of the family of the Earl of Kildare, which he had published in 1745 as a specimen of the 'Peer- age of Ireland.' Can you tell me if copies of this work are rare ? I do not find it in the Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum Library. F. G.

TRANSLATOR'S NAME REQUIRED. " Virgil's Husbandry, or an Essay on the Georgics : being the First Book. Translated into English Verse. To which are added the Latin Text and Mr. Dryden's Version. With Notes Critical and Rustick." Would some of your readers kindly say who is responsible

for the translation ? My copy contains trans- lations of the first and second books (the former dated 1725, the latter 1724).



[The translator appears to have been William Benson, 1682-1754, tor whom consult the 'Diet. Nat. Biog.'J

WILLUGHBY'S * ORNITHOLOGY.' With refer- ence to the missel thrush Willughby's k Ornithology ' (1678), p. 187, says : " A late

English writer saith, that this bird feeds

all her young ones with misselto berries and nothing else," and adds :

" For convulsions or the Falling sickness kill this bird, dry him to a powder, and take the quantity of a penny weight every morning in six spoonfuls of black Cherry water, or distilled water of Misselto- berries. The reason of this conceit is because this bird feeds upon Misselto, which is an approved remidy for the Epilepsie."

This is probably from a medical work. I shall be greatly obliged if any of your readers will supply me with the "late English writer's " name and a reference to the passage. THOMAS SOUTHWELL.


ANALOGOUS TITLES OF BOOKS. Does the English law of copyright include titles of books ] There seems to be no such restriction over the Channel or, at least, in France. In L' Inter me'diaire of 10 March, 1897, a long list appears of analogous titles of works. Are our French neighbours less exacting and more courteous than ourselves in this matter 1 ?

J. B. McGovERN.

St. Stephen's Rectory, C.-on-M., Manchester.

" KNIFE." We often hear such expressions as "he always has his knife in me." Are they originally English 1 We are not a knife- using people. I do not find anything directly bearing on this in the ' H.E.D.' C. C. B.

GREEN = CARY : SMYTHIES = CARY. Wil- liam Cary, of Whitechapel Common, died in 1711, leaving, amongst other relatives, two married sisters, Margaret Green and Sarah Sraythies. When and where were these sisters married ] Any information concern- ing them will greatly oblige.


Laurel Lodge, Tereuure, co. Dublin.

' SWEEPINGS FROM MY STUDY.' Who is the author of this work? JOHN TUDOR.

1, Liverpool Lawn, Dover.

' STEMMATA CHICHELIANA,' Nos. 256 AND 258. I should be glad of any further infor- mation respecting the families of Henden, Winder, Stone, Sibley, Houghton, and Spencer