Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/480

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NOTES AND QUERIES. [9* s. ix. JUNK u, 1902.

Berlin almanac for the year 1789, that th first ' battalion,' meaning one-half of that regiment or five squadrons, was lucky enough to capture a frigate during the campaign of 1787 in Holland. The said almanac, after giving a short account of the taking of the fortress of Gorkum, 17 Sept., 1787, adds this short remark: 'At the same time as who should believe it? a Dutch frigate on the water was taken by Prussian Hussars on the land. This was done by the Eben Hussars, who took an armed frigate in the middle of the Leek.' A poem by Koeppen celebrates this feat. In reality the affair happened thus : Major - General Freiherr yon Eben, com- mander of the regiment in question from 1786 to 1795, happened to witness with some officers and five orderlies of his regiment the capitulation of a ship which, having struck in the Leek on a sandbank, was attacked by Prussian fusiliers and threatened by two Prussian heavy guns. This was all."

G. KRUEGER. Berlin.

CHURCH FURNITURE (9 th S. ix. 348). For " tynobel " read tynokel (tunicle).

For " prosy nailes " read prossessyonalles (processionals).

For "manuettes" read manuelles (manuals).

For "anomellet" read an omellet, which must mean a homily.

For "a legen " read a legend (the collection of saints' lives).

For "pains" read panes (broad stripes of alternate colours).

"A per of postefes " is probably a pair of organs called "a positive " i.e., a fixed organ, as distinct from a ' portative," or movable one. J. T. F.


For " chis apel " read chisapel. H. P. L. [Other replies or conjectures are acknowledged.]

ENGLAND WITH MANY RELIGIONS AND ONE SAUCE (9 th S. ix. 407). I have it in my mind that it was the Prince de Soubise who said that England had twenty religions and only one sauce. Doubtless he little thought when he said it that his only claim to immortality would rest on his one sauce.


In an old commonplace book of mine I find the following entry :

' ' England is the land where every man has the right to beg, and the liberty to starve the land which has eighty-seven religions, and only one sauce melted but ter. 'Voltaire. "

I am unable to say at the moment in which of Voltaire's seventy volumes the witticism may be found. H. JOHNSON.

"GREY CITY BY THE NORTHERN SEA" (9 th S. ix. 407). The poem that begins thus, and has St. Andrews for its subject, was

written, so far as my memory serves me, by a distinguished alumnus of the ** College of the scarlet gown," who died, regretted by all his friends, a good many years ago. Mr. Andrew Lang, in his poem 'Almse Matres, St. Andrews, 1862 ; Oxford, 1865,' alludes, I think, to his dead friend. It begins St. Andrews by the northern sea, and is, it may be, the actual poem wanted by DEBONNAIRE. The following are two of its stanzas :

Oh broken Minster looking forth

Beyond the Bay, above the town. Oh winter of the kindly North,

Oh College of the scarlet gown ! And shining sands beside the sea,

And stretch of links beside the sand, Once more I watch you, and to me

It is as if I touched his hand.

And therefore art thou yet more dear, Oh little city grey and sere, Though shrunken from thine ancient pride,

And lonely by the lonely sea, Than these fair Halls on Isis' side, Where youth an hour came back to me.


ARMS OF CONTINENTAL CITIES (9 th S. ix. 308, 414). The arms of most continental cities can be found under their names in the latest edition of * Meyers Konversations- Lexikon,' the volumes of which are in the reference library of the British Museum.

L. L. K.

That excellent book of reference the ' Konversations-Lexikon ' of Brpckhaus gives the municipal arms of many cities. I nave just tested it for places in Germany, France, Italy, and England, and in each case have found that the coat of arms is given.


SIR EDMUND BERRY GODFREY (7 th S. xii. 314 ; 9 th S. ii. 367, 414 ; iii. 16, 96 ; ix. 332). There can be no doubt that the " Edmund Berrey Godfrey, Citizen and Woodmonger of London," referred to in the deed in MR. J. P. LEWIS'S possession, is the man chiefly re- membered for his brutal murder, which, by the way, did not happen on 17 October (the day his body was discovered), but on the night of Saturday, 12 October, 1678. In a curious little volume called ' Memoirs of the Life and Death of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey, late Justice of the Peace for Middlesex, who was Barbarously Murthered,' &c., London, 1682 (which I shall be pleased to lend MR. LEWIS if he would care to see it), the un- fortunate knight is described as " being a younger brother, and what estate he had, consisting in Moneys to the value of 1,000. or thereabouts, was advised (as a fair way of improve-