Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/530

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Notes and Queries, July 26, 1802.

Anthem, National, words and music, 206 Antinomian sect, its identification, 108, 238 Antiquary on exhumation of Henry IV., 369 Antwerp Cathedral, towers of, 289, 352, 433 Apple-tree, wassailing the, the custom, 287, 338 Apple-tree folk-lore, 169, 314 Aquarium cartoons, 428

Archaeological discoveries at Jerusalem and Borne, 126 Archange de Pembroke, Franciscan friar, 29 Archery, verges on, 407 Architect of Catholic church at Colombo, 133 Argentine (Richard), alias Sexten, physician and

divine, 204

Armlet, black, as a sign of mourning, 171 Arms of continental cities, 308, 414, 472 Armstrong (T. P.) on Ulisse Barbieri, 236

Breaking bread at table, 406

Charles V. on European tongues, 254

Coronation, Communion at, 57

Confessionals, 153

Mistakes in Michelet, 206

Portuguese naval supremacy, 218

St. Kilda, 54 Arnold (Capt.), killed before Lucknow, his biography,

Arrived, peculiar use and meaning of the word, 487

Arrow (J.) on coronation of George IV., 289

Arthur (King), his crown, 388, 491

Artists' mistakes, 274, 372

Artlandish, a Low German dialect, 447

Ashstead, parish registers of, 188

Assizes, white gloves at, origin of the custom, 309, 391

Astarte on Archange de Pembroke, 29

'Faerie Queen,' supplement to, 28

Fashion in language, 435

Pontefract-on-Thames, 316

Snodgrass, a surname, 366 Astley (J.) on Barras, 15 Attorney, epitaph on an, 345 Auld (T.) on book-titles changed, 384

Circular joys, 466

Author and avenger of evil, reflections on the, 22, 229 Autograph Cottage, Islington, and W. Upcott, 368, 454 "Away with," use of the term, 348, 477 Axon (W. E. A.) on arms of continental cities, 472

Earliest European mention of Vedas, 55

First gentleman of colour to receive knighthood, 190

Greek epigram, 273

Haines( Richard), 498

4 Hymns Ancient and Modern,' 36

Miraculous likenesses of Jesus at Tiberias and at Berithus, 481

Oliver and Arthur, 494

Saying attributed to Jesus by Philoxenus, 326

Shorthand in the fourth century, 406

Sibylline oracles, 391

Songs, old, 76

St. Paul and Seneca, 351

Where dwells truth ? 142 Ayeahr on bar sinister, 64

Flittings, 49

Language adheres to the soil, 509

Picture of New Cross Gate, 28

Rimes in Moore and < Campbell, 488 Aysgarth and James the Deacon, 173

B. on Cambridge Heath, South Hackney, 413

Celtic, 317

Fountain family, 498

Golf, 349

Jay, the woodland bird, 308

Knurr and spell, 452 B. (A. W.) on royal personages, 89 B. (A. W. C.) on Thomas Phaer, of Cilgerran, 467 B. (B.) on pearls a cure for corns, 158 B. (C. C.) on alright = all right, 111

Apple-tree folk-lore, 314

Arthur's crown, 388

Author and avenger of evil, 231

Away with, 477

BeVanger : ' Le Roi d'Yvetot,' 218

Brummel (Beau) and Barbey d'Aurevilly, 96

Cellini and Shakespeare, 417

Charm, old, 49, 257

Children's affirmations, 185

Christmas decorations and Shrove Tuesday, 86

Comically, 371

44 Cradelgras8,"491

Crossing knives and forks, 357

Darley, a forgotten Irish poet, 377

Dickensiana : phrase of Mrs. Gamp, 172

Earth mother, 176

Gwyneth, 319, 372

Heartsease, 393, 493

4 Hymns Ancient and Modern,' 36

Introduction of trousers, 489

Knife, 468

Llyn Coblynau : Knockers' Llyn, 353

Nang-nails : nubbocks, 52

Only too thankful, 370

Opodeldoc, 166

Pett (Peter), 298

Price of eggs, 278

Quotation attributed to Coventry Patmore, 515

Rather, 275

Smallest church in England, 431

Snodgrass, a surname, 497

Spatchcock, 16

Star-lore, 358

Upwards of, 446

B. (E.) on early editions of * Gulliver,' 449 B. (E. G.) on Tib's Eve, 336 B. (E. T.) on Clayton family, 155

Fenton (Sir Geoffrey), 171 B. (G.) on Jackson family, co. Durham, 149 B. (G. F. R.) on Christmas decorations and Shrove Tuesday, 217

Earle (J. W. and G.), 249

Edwards (Wilbraham Tollemache), 308

Ellers (Peter), 348

Elliot (Alexander and Robert), 268

Ellis (Cartwright John William), 427

Ervin (J.), 469

Evans (Andrew Fitzherbert), 408

Eyre (J. H.), 486

Foote (Robert), 488

Grafton (George Henry Fitzroy, fourth Duke of), 96

Impey (J.), 9

Keating (J. and A.), 128

Keith (Alexander), 128