Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/80

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. ix. JAN. 25, 1902.

minister of death died in " a most sad con- dition," "apparitions and visions," called up by his troubled conscience, terrifying him to the last. This event happened 20 June, 1649 ; the next day his remains were carried to Whitechapel Churchyard and there interred amid strange and portentous u actions."


If your correspondent will refer to 5 th S. v. 177, he will find the titles of three tracts in the British Museum Library, pub- lished soon after the execution of Charles I. ; also references to many works bearing on that event, in some of which he may find the required information ; but in no case is a portrait mentioned.

EVERAED HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road.

LONDON COFFEE - HOUSES AND TAVERNS (9 th S yiii. 224, 345, 509). A full and very interesting account of Pontack's will be found in the 'Dictionary of National Biography,' vol. xlvi. pp. 94-5. R, B.


" PARVER ALLEY" (9 th S. viii. 325, 451, 514). To speak of the "middle aisle" of a church is a thing so general, and to speak of the "middle alley" an expression so compara- tively rare, that I am tempted to ask whether a word which has been accepted as current by the majority of writers on church archi- tecture and ecclesiology may not be used to mean what we know is meant, without per- petual references being made to its original signification. Scores of other good nouns have been dissociated from their etymologies, and are being blamelessly employed in novel senses. It would be well if aisle were per- mitted to be the name of the main passage through the nave of a church as well as of the lateral gangs I might say gangways, had not way been " unnecessarily added "which are means of access to the wings. In common speech alley calls up associations which are not connected with the inside of a church, though it gets there in Lincolnshire and in some other delightsome parts of the kingdom MR. ARTHUR HUSSEY'S philological know- ledge is probably not far inferior to that of MR. HARRY HEMS. ST. SWITHIN.

Neither MR. CHARLES HIATT nor J T F appears at all clear as to the word " aisle Parker, in his 'Glossary of Terms used in Grecian Roman. Italian, and Gothic Archi-

considered as an inward portico. In England there are seldom more than two, one on each side of ihe nave or choir, and frequently only one ; but examples may be found of two aisles on one side and one on the other. In foreign churches there are many examples of five parallel aisles, or two on each side of the nave."

The same author adds in a foot-note, "Alley, allye, used for aisle."

No one who has the slightest knowledge of accepted architectural phraseology could possibly speak of the nave of a church, or its central approach to the altar, as a " middle aisle." HARRY HEMS.

Fair Park, Exeter.

" OH, LIFE so SHORT ! " (9 th S. viii. 525.) The lines "O world ! so few the years we live," &c , will be found in the notes to Long- fellow's Spanish translation 'Coplas de Man- rique.' They form the opening portion of some stanzas " found in the author's pocket after his death on the field of battle."


MODEST EPITAPHS (9 th S. viii. 421). See 1 st S. viii. 491 for an American anonymous epitaph. A tombstone at Agra has simply the words " Happy Seaton " upon it. Is not " Miserrimus " to be seen at Winchester 1 ?

H. S. MUIR, Surg.-General. [" Miserrimus" is in Worcester Cathedral.]

" PEN-NAME" (9 th S. ix. 28). I notice that COL. PRIDE AUX, in asking a question as to when " pen-name" was first used, says it was referred to in a " sympathetic article " in the Publishers' Circular of 14 December last on Mrs. Gallup's ' Bi-literal Cypher.' Kindly allow me to say that soon after writing that article I found that Mrs. Gallup's "Bacon" was really Pope's ' Homer,' and that the less said about her claim for " absolute veracity " the better. R. B. MARSTON,

Ed. Publishers' Circular.

" ALRIGHT "= ALL RIGHT (9 th S. viii. 240, 312, 413, 493). In the present unsettled state of English spelling the poor child has to remember a great many things. There being no fixed rule, he has to learn by heart all words in which the second I is dropped before a consonant, as in ivelcome, welfare, fulfil, fulfilment, almighty, almost, already, &c. Why should not the rule be- carried logically through, and why do not we write either- welbehaved, iltreatment, alright, ful- groiun, fulmoon, &c., or loell-come, full-fill, all-mighty, &c. 1 L. L. K.

LADY MARY TUDOR (9 th S. viii. 484). I have a pamphlet, ' The Last of the Derwent-