Page:Notes and Queries - Series 9 - Volume 9.djvu/88

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Boorde. Prof. Arber's services to literature merit, and, indeed, obtain the highest recognition. No previous or contemporary compiler has done so much to spread a knowledge of the best poetry. In his short introductory notes he might with advantage supply beside the praise of poetry of Coleridge that even more inspired of George Wither Prof. Arber justly claims that the collection is the most diver- sified and representative in the language. . that and more.

The Era Annual for 1902. (Era Office. ) DURING more than thirty years the ' Era Almanack ' has constituted a trustworthy and useful theatrical record, supplying in its later numbers the dates of first performances of plays in London and the country, in Paris, and in Berlin, a stage obituary, and similar matters. At the outset, when E. L. Blanchard, with his unrivalled stage knowledge, furnished an account of the principal London theatres, it had even stronger claims. The latest volume gives portraits of the theatrical celebrities who have died during the past year.

THE Upper Norwood Athenseum again sends us its Record of Winter Meetings and Summer Ex- cursions, 1900-1901. This little society, established a quarter of a century ago, still nourishes, and is doing good work. During the year many places were visited for the first time, and the papers read are full of interest. Considerable pains have evidently been taken in collecting the various facts. It is plea- sant to find the help so cordially given by clergymen and owners of property in the different districts. Among the papers read was one by Mr. Truslove on Crowhurst Place and church, in which mention is made of the slab in the church to the memory of John Angell, who died in 1670, in his seventy-eighth year, and who " bequeathed his soul to God, his body to the earth, his faith to the Carlists, and his example to his children." There is also a tablet to Justinian Angell, who married Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Scaldwell, of Brixton, and it would seem that the present Angell Road, Brixton, is named after her ; also that Crowhurst Road derives its title from the fact of the lady's residence at Crowhurst. Mr. Potter read a paper, ' Bexley and Crayford,' when the tomb in Bexley Church- yard of Francis Moore the elder, the founder of ' Old Moore's Almanac,' who died March 31st, 1684, was visited. In this district the custom used to prevail of selling beer by the yard, some of the measures being still in existence. Mr. Thomas Stock also read a paper on Hertford, and mentions the kind way in which the ramblers were received at the church of St. Andrew by the Rev. Evan Killan Roberts, who produced the old registers, and showed the Pre-Reformation altar, which is one of the few remaining that contain the slot for the Holy Relics. The 'Record' is well illustrated, some of the illustrations being original, while many are due to the kindness of the proprietors of the Illustrated London News and Sketch and the Lady's Pictorial, and the Sporting and Dramatic Publishing Company. Nothing but praise can be said of the careful editing of Mr. J. Stanley and Mr. W. F. Harradence.

THE excellent Astronomy for the Young of Mr William Thynne Lynn, B.A., F.R.A.S., the best existing work of its class, has reached a second edition. Prefixed to this is a view of the Royal

NOTES * AND QUERIES. [9 th s. ix. JAN. 25, 1002.

Observatory, Greenwich. Mr. G. Stoneman is the publisher.

THE Playgoer, edited by Fred Dangerfield (Daw- barn & Ward), has reached its fourth number. It is not enough of a chronicle. Its value would be increased were a resumd, with casts, supplied of the month's theatrical novelties.

THE 'English Dialect Dictionary' is now suffi- ciently advanced to enable the editor to state definitely the date of its completion. The whole of the Dictionary, consisting of about 4,700 pages, contained in six volumes, will be completed before the end of 1905. Four of these six volumes are already printed, viz., Vol. I. (A to C, 855 pages). Vol. II. (D to G, 772 pages). Vol. III. (H .to L,

sist of the letters T to Z, the supplement, the bibliography of the many thousands of books specially exceppted for the Dictionary, and a com- prehensive comparative grammar of all the dialects treated historically. Great advantages are offered to subscribers willing to compound for the remain- ing portion of the work. Such should communicate with Mr. Henry Frowde at the Clarendon Press.

MR. FRED HJTCHIN-KEMP'S ' History of the Kemp and Kempe Families' is now all but ready for delivery to subscribers by the Leadenhall Press, and the author is already contemplating further genealogical labour.

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BRANDON HILL. 1. 'Jacqueline: a Tale' (1814) is by Samuel Rogers, the banker-poet. It origin- ally appeared in the same volume with Lord Byron's ' Lara.' 2 ' The Garden of Florence,' by John Hamilton (1821), is by John Hamilton Reynolds, the friend of Keats.


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