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'Sonnet d'Arvers.'

Mon âme a son secret; ma vie a son mystère,Un amour éternel en un moment conçu:Le mal est sans espoir aussi j'ai du le taire,Et celle qui l'a fait; n'a jamais rien su.
Hélas! j'aurai passé pres d'elle inapercu,Toujours à ses côtés et pourtant solitaire;Et j'aurai jusqu'au bout fait mon temps sur la terre,N'osant rien demandé et n'ayant rien reçu.
Pour elle, quoique Dieu l'ait fait douce et tendre,Elle suit son chemin, distraite et sans entendreCe murmure d' amour soulevé [élevé?] sur ses pas.A l'austère devoir pieusement fidele,Elle dira, lisant ses vers tout remplis d'elle,"Quelle est donc cette femme?" et ne comprendra pas.

Translation by Joseph Knight

One sweet, sad secret holds my heart in thrall;A mighty love within my breast has grown,Unseen, unspoken, and of no one known;And of my sweet, who gave it, least of all.Close as the shadow that doth by her fallI walk beside her evermore alone,Till to the end my weary days have flown,With naught to hope, to wait for, to recall.For her, though God hath made her kind as sweet,Serene she moves, nor hears about her feetThese waves of love which break and overflow,Yea! she will read these lines, where men may seeA whole life's longings, marvelling, "Who is sheThat thus can "move him?" and will never know.

Editor of 'N. & Q.'It was in July, 1883, on the death of Turle, that Knight became Editor of Notes and Queries, and from that date until the time of his death our friendship and affection yearly increased. At first the enormous amount of correspondence Knight had to wade through as editor proved very irksome to one who was used to so much activity; but as he began to know those with whom he corresponded, many became his friends. His vast learning they held in respect, while his lovable nature and courteous manners endeared him to all, and rendered him peculiarly fitted for the Editorship of a paper with such special characteristics as 'N. & Q.,' of which the Jubilee was celebrated in the number for the 4th of November, 1899, Mr. Knight contributing the following introductory article:—

Jubilee of 'N. & Q.'"It has fallen to my lot to superintend the production of the one hundredth volume of Notes and Queries, and thus in a sense to preside over its jubilee. Fifty years constitute a considerable