This evening the weather is getting extremely cold, which makes everything uncomfortable for the soldiers, who have to sleep out in the open air all night.
Friday, April 23, 1847.—This morning the reveille beat at 6 o'clock, when the soldiers jumped and sprang on their feet and formed in company line to answer the roll-call. After breakfast we had company drills, marching around, and musket exercises.
In the afternoon we had dress-parade, when every soldier is expected to look the best and behave the best.
To-day there were only two soldiers from each company allowed to go to the city on account of the parade.
This afternoon Gen. Quitman's brigade arrived in camp. It consisted of the two Tennessee regiments, Georgia regiment, South Carolina regiment, and about two hundred and fifty mounted Tennessee riflemen, commanded by Col. J. E. Thomas; also three companies belonging to the Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, who were, you remember, left back at the island of Lobos with the small-pox, they having fully recovered, except some bear marks of that disease. There was much rejoicing and hand-shaking going on among the rest of the regiments here.
This evening my friend and mess-mate, Mr. Simon Schaffer, who has been lingering in delicate health for some time, was taken to the city, and there put in the hospital, from which institution I fear he will never come out alive. He seems to be in very low spirits. I bid him good-bye for the present, promising him that I would call to see him soon.
Late this evening I learned that Col. W. B. Roberts, of the Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, is very ill, and if we don't soon get our tents or better quarters, one-half our division will be laid up sick.
Saturday, April 24, 1847.—This morning, for the first, we received news from Gen. Worth's division, which is now in our advance. It was brought down last evening from Perote by the Mexican stage. It states that the town and Castle of