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X. | —Poor Indians—First Anniversary of the Landing of Vera Cruz—Death of Gen. Valencia—Account of the Bull Fight in Mexico—Lieuts. Hare and Dutton, of the Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Accused of Murdering a Banker—First Anniversary of the Battle of Cerro Gordo—A Holy Thursday—The Poor Lepers—Gens. Paredus, Almonta and Bustamante—Great Excitement on Account of Prospect of Peace—Taking up the Dead—Bill of Fare—How Coffee is Made—Lieuts. Hare and Dutton Sentenced to be Hung—Another Visit to the City—A Treat with a High-toned Senor—Rare History of Mexico—Montezuma the Ninth Ruler of Mexico—His Life—A Treaty of Peace Signed, Causing Great Excitement Amongst the Soldiers—Lieuts. Hare and Dutton Pardoned, but to be Kept Under Arrest until Landing at New Orleans. | 501 |
XI. | —First Original Settlers in Mexico—Names and Numbers of Rulers of Mexico—Our Departure from the City for "Home, Sweet Home"—Poetry: "We are Coming Home"—Chalco and its Ancient History—Arrival at Pueblo—Grand Reception, with Cheers and Clapping of Hands by the Senoritas as we Marched Through the City—Arrived and Camped at El Encerro—Left Here and Arrived at Vera Cruz—Talk with Some of the Umbres—"Will it Pay to Visit Mexico?"—Embarked and Left Vera Cruz, with Cheers, for Home—Poetic—"Good-Bye to Mexico"—Arrival at New Orleans—Meet with a Grand Reception at Cincinnati—Arrived at Beaver and Economy—Harmony Society Formed—Reception at Pittsburgh—-Arrived at Johnstown on the Summit (McVeytown) at 3 locks—Lewistown—Grand Reception on the Road and at Harrisburg and Lancaster—Memoir of Early Childhood, Long Gone By. | 562 |
XII. | —Leaving Lancaster in the Midst of Cheers—Meet with a Grand Reception at Philadelphia, with a Grand Dinner at the Chinese Museum, on Ninth Street below Chestnut—Speeches and Songs Suitable for the Occasion—Taken to Third Street Hall, Corner of Third and Willow Streets, kept by Gen. Hall—Receiving our Discharge from the Army—Bidding Good-Bye to our Comrades—List of Names of the Company—Those who Died or were Discharged from the Army—Table of Distance from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico—The Formation of the Scott Legion—Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Battle of Cerro Gordo—Speech on the Occasion. | 615 |