In the afternoon we were visited by an awful thunder storm, and never did I see it lightning sharper; it blew a perfect gale. It blew down some of the ranches, and nearly unroofed all the houses, blowing the boards and shingles high in the air, and for miles around. We, our mess, had to hold on to our shanty to keep it from blowing down. It stood it nobly against the howling storm, not budging an inch. We have had pelting rain and storm almost every day since our encampment; in fact, such soaking ones too, that I declare we almost forget how it looks when it is fair. No other news except that we are beginning to get tired of this camp, which is now styled, and somebody had a hand-board out "Camp Misery."
To-night the wind blows from the snow-top covered mountain Orazaba. It blows about our faces and ears as keen as a whistle, and you can hear some of the fellows cry out, "shut the door!" "Confound this wind, it's blowing in a fellow's face." "Shut up, there's no use quarrelling about the wind or the weather." Laughter, etc.
Friday, April 30, 1847.—This morning it commenced raining again, and continued all day, making it very disagreeable for our soldiers, and particularly for those whose shanties blew down in yesterday afternoon's storm. In fact, some of our men are almost drowned out, and more particularly those who were in caves, they being dug down about a foot below the surface of the earth. Some were so sound asleep that they could hardly be wakened up, the water almost running into their mouths. Our shanty being high and level the water does us no harm. Our men are now clamoring and awaiting for our Quartermaster to bring our tents from Vera Cruz.
At 10 o'clock, a.m., a company of the Fourth Illinois Regiment (Col. E. D. Baker's) started out after beef, also to hunt up the guerillas, who killed several of their men yesterday. They started off with a cheer, and promised to bring in no prisoners. So, look out guerillas!
At noon several companies of the Ten-Regiment Bill (so called) came into camp. There are some Pennsylvanians