rattling of scabbards; it was Capt. Walker's company going on drill; they dashed out on the road, back of the Castle, on a level piece of ground, there they drilled for over an hour. They were under the command of Lieut. Thomas Claiborn.
Lieut. Claiborn is a tall, slim and noble looking officer, a splendid horseman, of very good discipline, and takes great pains in drilling his company. Capt. Walker, I am told, is not so much of a drilled officer; but, for leading a charge, or following the retreating enemy, there is no braver or daring officer in the United States Army, than Capt. Samuel H. Walker.
This afternoon there was an election held in Co. D, First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, for Second-Lieutenantship, Sergt. Logan and private Edward Carroll were the two candidates; after much wrangling on both sides, it resulted in favor of Edward Carroll, which caused some surprise among Sergt. Logan's friends, and much rejoicing among Edward Carroll's friends. I am well acquainted with Mr. Carroll, and a better and nobler man is not in the regiment; and I, myself, feel much rejoiced over his triumphant election. He is a soldier, and knows the soldiers' wants. The kind of man the soldiers want for officers.
To-day two members of our regiment died; they were buried this evening with the usual honors. Thus we go, two, three and four every day.
Friday, June 11, 1847.—This morning we were ordered to leave the Castle and go to the town of Perote, as a garrison. Six companies of the regiment went, the rest still remain in the Castle.
In the afternoon a small train arrived from Jalapa, bringing back the three companies belonging to our regiment. They took up quarters with us in town.
In the evening Capt William F. Binder's company were out target-firing. Made some good hits. We are now under the command of Lieut.-Col. Black, and we are all well pleased with the change, as he is a tip-top fellow. Nothing new.