Col. Thomas Childs is a native of Massachusetts. He entered the army as Third Lieutenant, March 11, 1814. He worked his way up to full rank of Major in the First Artillery, February 16, 1847, and soon after raised to his present rank. He greatly distinguished himself at Palo Alto and Monterey. At Cerro Gordo he fought side by side with the gallant Col. Harney, and like him received the highest commendation of Gen. Winfield Scott. He was appointed (during the absence of the main army from this city) military and civil Governor of Puebla. His career as a military commander, during the siege of Puebla, speaks for itself.
Friday, August 13, 1847.—This morning Gov. Childs issued orders not to allow any soldier to be from his quarters after 2 o'clock, p.m., without a pass from his commanding officers.
At noon Capt. Ford's Third Cavalry company patroled the streets, picking up all straggling soldiers found from their quarters.
In the afternoon I noticed some of our wagons were employed to haul sand to fill into the small canvas bags, to build breastworks and station a battery across the streets leading to San Jose Square. This puts us in mind of the building of breastworks at Vera Cruz, only sand was more plentiful there.
To-night we are again placed on the ramparts awaiting for the enemy to make an attack upon our quarters.
Saturday, August 14, 1847.—This morning we went to work, and were kept busy in filling up sand bags for our breastworks across the street. The windows of houses in our immediate neighborhood are all barricaded with these sand bags. The howitzer men are piercing the walls for the musketry, and also for the howitzer pieces. Everything is getting in readiness for combate (fighting).
At noon Capt. Wall, of the Third United States Artillery (who died last night), was buried close by our quarters. He was left here in the hospital sick at the time his regiment marched on to the city of Mexico.