The people, that is, generally the worst portion, are hailing Gen. Santa Anna's coming with joy, and are now boasting that they will soon drive these infernal Yankees out of the city; so I suppose work will soon commence.
In the evening a small party of lancers made their appearence in the Tivola Garden, no doubt reconnoitering. Also a party of the same class of umbras appearing behind the pillow, or little hill, near the Tivola Garden, brandishing their swords and lances with great gallantry. This reminds me when I went to school, of a boy making fists in his pockets and saying nothing.
To prove the enemy's gallantry, a howitzer was brought into position, and fired a few shots among them, which soon made them leave the garden, not liking the "imitation" of those cannons, as Gen. Rea told his officers and men in one of his patriotic speeches, before he made that gallant charge on our quarters at San Jose.
Late this evening, Gen. Rea was seen riding up to the Tivola Garden on a beautiful white mustang, when that "imitation" was again opened on him, after which he left in double quick time.
Thursday, September 23, 1847.—This morning it is rumored that Gen. Santa Anna arrived in this city without his army; coming in advance with his staff and picked lancers as his body-guard; his troops are encamped about ten miles out of the city. It is said that they are drilling and recruiting for the purpose of driving us Yankees out of the city of Puebla. They will have a happy time of it when it comes to that; it will be like Gen. Rea's boasted attack, they will leave quicker than they came.
At noon, through the information of a Mexican muger (woman), we found out that a large quantity of Mexican tobacco belonging to the Mexican Government, was concealed in a large stone building, just one square (or block as they are called here) from our quarters. Gov. Childs sent for some of the volunteers and told them to charge on the building and