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Page:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu/341

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firing, for we wanted a little rest, too; besides showing all due respect to the reverend dead.

The flag of truce was this time accompanied by two Catholic priests. When they first came to our pickets they were, of course, halted, and the Sergeant of the guard called. The Sergeant noticed what was up, took the Officer of the Day, who happened to be Capt. Small, with him. Here Capt. Small took out his pocket handkerchief, and tied it over the priests' eyes; after which he brought them stumbling to Gov. Child's quarters. During the time the priests were in Gov. Child's quarters the streets leading to our quarters were filled with a mass of excited people; no doubt all anxiously waiting for their return, and to hear the result and prospect of the flag of truce.

After their consultation was over the priests were escorted outside of our picket-line, and proceeded on down the street, where they were greeted by a large crowd of their fellow citizens, who followed them to the Catholic cathedral and heard the report of their commission.

At noon I was put on picket-guard with instructions not to fire on any Mexican, who might happen to be in the street, unless fired upon by the Mexicans first. After these instructions I proceeded to Post 9. So while the Sergeant was going to the other sentinels to give them the same orders he, himself, had four shots fired at him; one shot hit his coat button, and he made a very narrow escape from not being killed. The Sergeant returned and reported the outrage to Gov. Childs, who said that he would hold the armistice sacred, as becomes an American's honor.

It was supposed by our men that the Mexican officers had not yet cautioned their sentinels on their posts. After this there was no more firing until towards evening, when one of Co. K, First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, was shot in the leg from a house-top, near Post No. 6.

This has caused a little indignation among our officers and soldiers, about the Mexicans violating the armistice; and if they don't stop firing we will return the fire.