Thursday, October 14, 1847.—This morning, after breakfast, several of us soldiers paid a visit to the city to see what was going on, also to go around and see some of the new soldiers, where from, and by whom commanded.
In the city, we found but little or no business going as yet, the stores being mostly closed, with a poor market. No doubt the guerillas under Gen. Rea and the priest Padre Jarauta, have destroyed all the marketing outside of the city, to keep it from us bad Yankees.
The city is lined with soldiers, and the different companies are parading the streets, watching the movements of some of our friends, commonly called greasers.
We visited the different headquarters of Brig.-Gen. Joseph Lane's command.
The first consisted of Col. Charles H. Brough's Fourth Ohio Regiment; Col. W. A. Gorman's Fourth Indiana Regiment; Maj. Lally's Battlion of mounted riflemen, six hundred