it is pumped out by a guard and then taken to the mill for that purpose, and goes through several processes, after which it becomes fit for use, and a power of it is used; it is the favorite drink amongst all the Mexican people, and I see some of our Yankees are becoming used to it.
In the evening Col. Jack Hays, with his Texan Rangers, went out in full strength, for what purpose I could not learn, as they keep all their expeditions very secret, but I suppose they are going in search of the old priest, Jarauta, who is lurking around these diggings.
Wednesday, January 12, 1848.—This morning most all our soldiers are wondering where Col. Hays went to. At noon one of Co. H, First Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers named Smith Townly died, his disease was fever, and died quite unexpected.
This afternoon several United States Quartermasters and a few Mexicans, owners of properties, visited our quarters and examined them, for the Mexicans have laid in heavy damages, done by us soldiers. I expect they want more than the whole property is worth; they will no doubt be paid.
Thursday, January 13, 1848.—This morning a party of us soldiers got permission from our officers to go to the city. After arriving in the city, we first visited San Cosme, or Custom House; the gates of Belen; the citadel or Arsenal; the aqueduct which leads from Chapultepec to the city; the Alameda Park, and other public buildings around the city, and the famous Castle of Chapultepec, with its surroundings bearing many marks of the numerous revolutions of years gone by, and scars of the conflict of 1847. The walls are spotted with cannon-balls and bullet dents, everywhere.
Having viewed all the relics of, in and around the castle, we then went on the battlement walls which overlooks the broad valley of Mexico. The view from this height is one of great extent and beauty, surrounded by the historic and lofty mountains. Looking southward we could plainly see our quarters, San Angel, the battle-fields of Contreras, San Antonio, Churubusco and Cuyoacan, all surrounded by nature's