It is now rumored all over camp, and it seems to come from good authority, that most of the troops will soon embark for Vera Cruz, Mexico. This had the effect of three or four of our company deserting. I will record their names for future reference, they are as follows: William Barnes, William Ford, William Rolett and John Gill, all four from Philadelphia, Pa.
This evening the man belonging to Co. I, who was shot in the face by a Spaniard, whom he tried to rob and kill, died in the hospital of his wounds. That's what he got for trying to rob and kill his fellow-man. Later the United States Quartermaster came to the camp from New Orleans, and stated to Col. Wynkoop that the vessels would be down here to-night or in the morning, and that we should be ready to embark at a minute's notice. So all the soldiers are in high glee, singing and cheering, at the same time making preparations for the seat of war; writing letters is the order of the evening.
Friday, January 15, 1847.—This morning our regiment was divided into three divisions. The first and second divisions received orders to strike their tents and pack up and be ready to embark on ships.
The first division is composed of Co's A, G and K. They embarked at noon on the sailing-ship "Oxnard," under the command of Col. Francis M. Wynkoop. The second division soon followed. It is composed of Co's E, F, I and H. They embarked at 3 o'clock, p.m., on the sailing-ship "Russell Glover," under the command of Lieut.-Col. Samuel W. Black. The third division, to which our company belongs, is to embark to-morrow morning.
As soon as the soldiers got on board the lines were cast off and away they went with cheers for Mexico, etc.
This evening some five or six hundred soldiers, belonging to the Second Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, arrived in camp, others belonging to Col.
Second Mississippi Regiment, and some belonging to the Louisiana Regiment arrived. All quiet to-night.