No news to-night, except the castle and forts around the city are constantly firing bomb shells, which keeps our men from sleeping.
Sunday, March 14, 1847.—This morning we noticed that the Mexicans had taken down their cannon from the steeple. Old Perry's shots were too hot for them.
The wind still prevails, which keeps everything back; for as long as this northern wind continues we can't land our horses and ammunition.
To-day I have been informed that several schooners were blown on the beach last night, damaging their whole cargoes.
At noon the infantry were ordered to advance nearer to the city. When our men commenced to move the Mexicans seemed to get very much excited. They opened a tremendous firing from all their forts on Gen. Twiggs' division, camped at Vergara and our camp. They no doubt, when they saw us move, expected our men to charge upon the city, for such ringing of bells and people crying, mingled with the shrill trumpets, made it an exciting time among the frightened Mexicans and foreign residents.
In the afternoon our scouts captured a Mexican courier, who had several letters in his possession stating that the city of Mexico was now in a state of revolution; also instructions from Gen. Santa Anna to Gov. Morales and Gen. Landero, now guarding the city of Vera Cruz, not to yield or give up to the infernal Yankees (as he calls us). That they would soon be reinforced with about five thousand men from Alverado. He also had a newspaper giving an account of Gen. Taylor's great victory over Gen. Santa Anna at the battle of Buena Vista, which took place on the 22d and 23d of February. This has caused great rejoicing among our men.
In the evening several sailors went beyond our camp and had a fight with some of the Mexican lancers. One of our sailors, named Mr. Welsh, had his throat cut from ear to ear. This outrage caused great deal of excitement among the tars, and they expressed a determination to have revenge at some future time.