Page:Notes on Indian Affairs (Vol. II).djvu/9

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Number Pfege

LV. On the Gaols in India 371

LVI. On the Police 378

LVII. Propriety of Interfering with some of the Native Customs 385

LVIII. On the Native Army 414

LIX. Vakeels, or Native Lawyers 444

LX. On the Conversion of the People • 463

LXI. On Caste • 470

LXII. Intercourse between the English and the Natives • 470

LXIII. Miscellaneous Observations 507

Conclusion 516


A. Narrative of Peer Buksh 532

B. Character of a Commissioner 536

C. Occurrences regarding the Temple of Snigrampoor . . 538

D. The Noozeed Afiair 541